Thread Number: 85567  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
1985 Hoover Logic 1300e parts
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Post# 1101165   12/19/2020 at 11:56 (1,315 days old) by a3620 (Lytham St Annes)        

Hi Guys, don't suppose you will remember me. I added a post last year trying to find an indicator pointer/belt for my square door Logic 1300e A3620. I never did get a new belt, so in desperation, my wife managed to figure out how many clicks to get the correct program. Funny, she looks like a safe cracker trying to find the combination!
Cut a long story short, the old girl is still battling on (The machine not my wife) but, the drum bearings sound like they are about to explode.
I want to fit new bearings and carbon seal etc. Years ago, I fitted a spider kit with bearings, but I'm unsure what is still available, or where to get parts. Google returns lots of suppliers claiming they have the bearings, but they are either out of stock or they look like the wrong ones.
Does anyone here know where I can reliably get the correct new bearings/seal or even a full spider kit for a 1985 Hoover Logic 1300e?
I added a URL below to a supplier claiming these will fit and are in stock. What do you think?
Many thanks in advance!


Post# 1101271 , Reply# 1   12/20/2020 at 04:06 (1,314 days old) by Chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Hoover A3620

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hi Chris , glad to hear washer still going , that bearing kit is correct from Qualtex, they are usually the first to have stock ...

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Post# 1101273 , Reply# 2   12/20/2020 at 04:14 (1,314 days old) by Chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Hoover A3260

chestermikeuk's profile picture
The spiders are more difficult to find now, Qualtes & E-spares, Home Spares used to be the main OEM supplier, check ebay and local repair shops, there have been some on ebay but getting rare. Ill ask around and see if any about.

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Post# 1101604 , Reply# 3   12/22/2020 at 05:33 (1,312 days old) by a3620 (Lytham St Annes)        

Brilliant, thanks you so much for taking the time to reply, I really do appreciate it. Good to know I can get the bearings. Those part numbers are handy. I'll give Qualtex a try, haven't heard of them before. Maybe they will have a spider kit in stock too.
Annoyingly, I saw a complete drum and some genuine Hoover bearing kit on Ebay a few weeks ago, but I was outbid.
Another load of washing has just finished, and the noise from the bearings is making my toes curl!

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