Thread Number: 85606  /  Tag: Twin-Tub Washers
Perobot Paraphernalia
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Post# 1101581   12/21/2020 at 22:43 (1,313 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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Hey guys, I finally received the perobot Washing machine stuff that came all the way from eastern Germany, I’ll grab you some more pictures when I get home but for the moment here is a picture of the cover itsself

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Post# 1101597 , Reply# 1   12/22/2020 at 04:39 (1,312 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Here is the booklet for it

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Which contains everything from how to use it to the specific wiring diagrams of both 220v 200v 110V models, I’ll put all the wiring diagrams in a separate post

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Post# 1101598 , Reply# 2   12/22/2020 at 04:46 (1,312 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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Post# 1101599 , Reply# 3   12/22/2020 at 04:48 (1,312 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
This one is for how and where to

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Grease your machine As well as how often

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Post# 1101600 , Reply# 4   12/22/2020 at 04:52 (1,312 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Here is the guarantee from the Kovosmalt factory

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Even have the serial number on the Guarantee itself , as well as a data card and a warning not to use zinc corroding detergents

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Post# 1101601 , Reply# 5   12/22/2020 at 05:17 (1,312 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
And here is the

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Local distributor index for the distributors of Kovosmalt products

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Post# 1101603 , Reply# 6   12/22/2020 at 05:22 (1,312 days old) by keymatic (London / UK)        

keymatic's profile picture
Hi Adam,

Some great information there, I might try and grease some of the parts up on my machine.

I am trying to establish what the set up is, I think it is one motor that controls both the spinner and the washer agitation (spiral) but is there a clutch ?


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Post# 1101608 , Reply# 7   12/22/2020 at 06:30 (1,312 days old) by warmsecondrinse (Fort Lee, NJ)        

This is so cool.

This is the kind of thing I like to read to keep languages from hiding in my brain. Except in this case I might not be familiar enough with the actual info to take advantage of it.

Let us know what interesting/unusual things you find...

Thank for posting this :-)

Post# 1101617 , Reply# 8   12/22/2020 at 08:18 (1,312 days old) by jamiel (Detroit, Michigan and Palm Springs, CA)        

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How cool. So Germanic with all the details. If GDR household things intrigue you, there's a series on Hulu called Deutschland 1983/6/9 about the death throes of East Germany and the Communist bloc It's a spy/espionage/thriller, but it has lots of long lingering looks at upper-middle-class GDR interiors and Trabant vehicles. It's definitely binge-worthy

Post# 1101627 , Reply# 9   12/22/2020 at 09:51 (1,312 days old) by warmsecondrinse (Fort Lee, NJ)        

Speaking of the Trabant, There's a movie called "Go, Trabi!" set shortly post-wall. A group of young East Germans heading to West Germany for a good time.

Car & Driver wrote a review of the movie in which they mentioned the movie being realistic car-wise. Having no experience with an Autobahn, East German drivers tended to come down the exit ramp and move smoothly into the middle lane ...... at all of 80kmh!!!! Lesson: If you're driving on the Autobahn and all of a sudden you see a sea of brake lights and ALL the traffic moving left, 99% chance the reason is an East German in a Trabi.

Damn good thing I'd read that article. Two weeks later I was on the Autobahn driving from Norderstedt to Puttgarten in a rented Golf ... serenely (not joking!) cruising at the car's top speed. I suddenly had a blast of brake lights in my face. I spent a split second to make sure the path was clear (lucky for me it was) and I hove(?) the car to the extreme left lane and slammed the brakes like everyone else. Sure enough, there was a yellow Trabi moving at a comparative crawl in the middle lane!

My now awake travelling companion was irate and let me know it. Rather smugly I replied, "And THAT is why I refuse to drive with the radio on, leave ridiculous (their opinion) following distances, and check my mirrors every 3 seconds."

Post# 1101645 , Reply# 10   12/22/2020 at 13:12 (1,312 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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So the way how are works is in order for the machine to change between wash and spin the pulleys on the motor shaft spin in one direction with some sort of clutch thing so like for example it spins clockwise for theSpin dryer and counterclockwise for the vortex agitator, one thing I really really really would love to get working on my machine again is the vortex agitator as mine has seized up unfortunately, if anyone is able to find one of these machines and the agitator still work on it please let me know

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