Thread Number: 85669  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
Rare Square Kenmore C960 Wringer Washer Washing Machine
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Post# 1102313   12/28/2020 at 15:14 (1,306 days old) by Spudpotatohead (Phoenix)        

Retired by my parents over 5 decades ago, this Kenmore C960 Machine still looks great. It is one of the rarely seen square models, as most were round tubs.

We hooked it up and ran the agitator and pump and both work well. Timer and bell also work.
The clutch on the wringer assembly is stiff, likely due to congealed grease that has been sitting in the gearbox for the last 5 decades. The wringer is currently not turning by the motor; again likely due to thick grease preventing the shaft from moving. Needs some TLC in that area.

Cosmetics are excellent - this machine was well cared for. Also included is an uncommon Jet Filter

$200 cash and carry from our place in Calgary, Alberta.

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Post# 1103486 , Reply# 1   1/6/2021 at 21:27 (1,296 days old) by dnastrau (Lords Valley, PA)        
Post in Shopper's Square forum


That machine appears to be in beautiful cosmetic condition. You should post it in the Shopper's Square forum where appliances that are for sale are listed (link below or in the main toolbar above).


Andrew S.


Post# 1104187 , Reply# 2   1/11/2021 at 18:59 (1,292 days old) by spudpotatohead (Phoenix)        

I wasn't able to post this in Shopper's Square for whatever reason. Regardless, it has sold. Sad to see it go.

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