Thread Number: 85673  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
1-18 jetcone
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Post# 1102332   12/28/2020 at 19:28 (1,306 days old) by Laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        

laundryboy's profile picture
Hello everyone.
I was just wondering if a Downey ball can go into the 1-18 without destroying the jetcone ? Or can it go Into the middle part where the bleach thing goes. I have a new in box (1974) fabric softener dispenser ( From Rich Trainguy). Best gift ever, for the earlier version of the 1-18 but it’s too small to fit onto my jetcone
Chris. :)

Post# 1102333 , Reply# 1   12/28/2020 at 19:47 (1,306 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Downy ball requires centrifugal force during spin for the weight to pull the seal open.  There probably isn't enough inside the agitator.

Post# 1102340 , Reply# 2   12/28/2020 at 20:37 (1,306 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

I thought the exact same thing here... I believe the downy ball fits upside down in the bleach dispenser.

And I'm also desperate for a FS dispenser for my 1-18

Post# 1102390 , Reply# 3   12/29/2020 at 11:20 (1,305 days old) by Laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        

laundryboy's profile picture
Mine doesn’t have the bleach dispenser so I’ll give it a try inside the jetcone and see how it does.
The FS. Dispenser I have is too small to snap onto the top. I would love to find one and the bleach dispenser too. My 1-18 is from May 1976.

Post# 1102392 , Reply# 4   12/29/2020 at 11:34 (1,305 days old) by steved (Guilderland, New York)        
Might just work!

Considering the Frigidaire Fabric Softener dispenser fit into the agitator and had a weighted release mechanism... I'd try it, but insert it sideways

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Post# 1102398 , Reply# 5   12/29/2020 at 12:32 (1,305 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
that will be a concern....

which position to place it in.....AND keep it there....some sort of sponge cushion?...

your dealing with up and down action....will it open too soon?.....

curious, try a few ideas, and monitor it through out the cycle, and see what happens...

keep us posted....

...I thought all the jetcones in the 1-18 were all the same....yes/no?

Post# 1102496 , Reply# 6   12/30/2020 at 10:42 (1,304 days old) by Laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        

laundryboy's profile picture
I’ll give it a try and see what happens. This is my softener top that’s too small for the jetcone. I have.

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Post# 1102502 , Reply# 7   12/30/2020 at 11:48 (1,304 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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I believe the one you have fits the earlier agitator design.

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Post# 1102829 , Reply# 8   1/1/2021 at 22:24 (1,302 days old) by epippen1985 (Texarkana)        

I would not recommend the Downy ball. I have chipped part of my agitator in my 1978 1-18. Speaking of which, I am looking for a new one well another one. I had other issues happen and it is chipped in 3 different places and I use it as my daily.

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