Thread Number: 859
POD-57 WP Imperial
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Post# 51985   12/29/2004 at 07:52 (7,326 days old) by agiflow ()        

Does anyone have pictures of the TOL WP Imperial models for 58 and 59 that they could post? I would love to see the changes in design that were made.Thanks


Post# 51993 , Reply# 1   12/29/2004 at 11:15 (7,326 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
1958 - 59 styling changes

I have a copy of an ad for the 1958 top-of-the-line Whirlpool on my computer at work, but I don't think it's big enough to show the console details. I also have some pictures of an actual 1959 Whirlpool Imperial; it seems to me that the 1959 Imperial more closely resembles the 1957 Imperial (the latter of which happens to be today's picture of the day, 12/29). The 1958 Imperial, I thought, had a sort of "dial up menu" of temperature and water level choices. If you'd e-mail me directly, I'll attach the 1958 ad and the 1959 pictures to the e-mail. Again, I think the 1958 ad is too small a copy to see much detail.

Post# 52000 , Reply# 2   12/29/2004 at 16:23 (7,326 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
POD-57 WP Imperial

peteski50's profile picture
I would love to see those whirlpools also is it possible foe you to email me those pictures with whirlpool in the subject line
Thank you

Post# 52001 , Reply# 3   12/29/2004 at 17:08 (7,326 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
I would like a set please

Post# 52002 , Reply# 4   12/29/2004 at 17:17 (7,326 days old) by rickr (.)        
ME TOOOO!!! Manoravenue (:

rickr's profile picture
Please e mail me a set also.

Thank you!
I think the Whirlpool machines from the 1950's and early 1960's were just so cool looking! This one looks really nice with the white/gold/chrome and pink combination. One of my favorites.
Does anyone know why the WP models changed to the "flat front' style cabinet in 1957. While Kenmore stayed with the "rounded front" style cabinet until 1960? (triva question of the day) (:

Thank you,

Post# 52004 , Reply# 5   12/29/2004 at 18:40 (7,325 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
Whirlpool change from round to flat-front cabinet

Without meaning to insult any fans of Kenmore (and I love 'em all), was the change from the rounded cabinet to the flat cabinet by Whirlpool early on somewhat of a modernization for those who were more financially affluent? Kenmore being sold by Sears which was more geared towards middle America, maybe they left the "older" styling for those who couldn't afford the higher Whirlpool prices? Sort of the way the more budget-priced models in various General Motors automobile lines used to retain older styling features while the top-of-the-line models received the most modern styles/inovations? Just a guess...

Post# 52005 , Reply# 6   12/29/2004 at 18:43 (7,325 days old) by agiflow ()        
Thank you George

Thanks so much for the pics of the GE,Kenmore and WP washers.

I particularly liked the 58 WP from what i could make out.I have to say though,i don't think i have seen a vintage washer i didn't like.

Post# 52007 , Reply# 7   12/29/2004 at 18:58 (7,325 days old) by agiflow ()        
Whirlpool change from round to flat-front cabinet

certainly sounds reasonable. WP seemed to charge more for their machines then their sister KM with comparable features.

That is probably why i have seen more KM then WP machines growing up.I think people got more value for the dollar with KM.
I think KM also had better styling throughout the sixties and early seventies.Either way WP always made out.

Post# 52008 , Reply# 8   12/29/2004 at 20:31 (7,325 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
I would like to see the pictures !


Post# 52011 , Reply# 9   12/29/2004 at 21:10 (7,325 days old) by rickr (.)        
WP cabinet changes to modern

rickr's profile picture
I think you are right. Perhaps it was a way for WP to get an "edge" on Kenmore. Whatever the reason was,it makes it harder to "date" the Whirlpools. It is interesting to notice how WP started to move the controls all to the right side of the console by 1959. That move sort of "paved" the way for the console styling for the 1960's I had a beautiful 1961 Whirlpool and the console was set up this way also. I think they stuck with this console setup until 1969 or perhaps even later. The early ones were the coolest though! What year did they do away with the spring loaded lid,that opened with the lighted button on the front? Anyone know that one?


Post# 52018 , Reply# 10   12/30/2004 at 07:19 (7,325 days old) by agiflow ()        
looks like 58

From the pictures that were posted,it seems like 58 was the last year for this feature.The first slant back control panel models that WP offered in the late 60's were nice also.

Post# 52019 , Reply# 11   12/30/2004 at 07:44 (7,325 days old) by Dick_S. ()        


At your convenience I would love to have a copy of those pictures also.

That era Whirlpool/Kenmore washers fascinates me.

Thank you and Happy New Year!


Post# 52022 , Reply# 12   12/30/2004 at 09:00 (7,325 days old) by pulsator-power (connecticut)        
cabinet changes

Here are some other thoughts:
Since WP builds Kenmore, maybe contractually they had to supply the same design for X number of units & years & units.
Anyone know if at that time Whirlpool built for any other manufacturer?
Also, in the early 60's, Whirlpool started the Polyclean Centers- laundromat/dry cleaning, which were very bright & modernly styled. Maybe the squared off cabinets were a better fit for the look.

Post# 52030 , Reply# 13   12/30/2004 at 11:25 (7,325 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
Changes from 1958 to 1959

Seems as though the years from 1958 to 1959 were the years for major changes even in the auto industry; as with the change from the button-operated lids on the Whirlpools, the 1959 GM models had much more cheaply manufactured interior door handles and a lot of other corner-cutting features than the 1958's. As with the Whirlpools, the great auto styling was still there, but it was evident that inflated costs were becoming the norm and changes had to be made somewhere to keep from elevating the prices too badly.

Post# 52038 , Reply# 14   12/30/2004 at 13:48 (7,325 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I would love to see those pictures too, but wouldn't it be easier to post them here?

Post# 52040 , Reply# 15   12/30/2004 at 14:25 (7,325 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
1959 Whirlpool pictures

You can tell I'm right on the cutting edge of technology; never thought of posting the pictures here as I wasn't sure I could make it work!

Post# 52041 , Reply# 16   12/30/2004 at 14:27 (7,325 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
1959 Whirlpool picture

1959 Whirlpool console; a contemplated purchase that fell through.

Post# 52042 , Reply# 17   12/30/2004 at 14:27 (7,325 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
1959 Whirlpool pictures

Detail of timer dial area of console

Post# 52043 , Reply# 18   12/30/2004 at 14:28 (7,325 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
1959 Whirlpool pictures


Post# 52046 , Reply# 19   12/30/2004 at 16:02 (7,325 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Very handsome machine!

Post# 52047 , Reply# 20   12/30/2004 at 16:34 (7,325 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Thank you very much for the pictures!!

Post# 52048 , Reply# 21   12/30/2004 at 16:46 (7,325 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
1959 Whirlpool pictures

I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. Wish the purchase had gone through, but it's something to hope for in the new year.

Post# 52060 , Reply# 22   12/30/2004 at 20:35 (7,324 days old) by david (CA)        
Hot Whirlpools!

Thanks for the pix-These really bring back memories of our neighbor's set. I believe theirs was purchased in the latter part of 1960. Same chrome cap on agitator. And the dryer had a window in the door with a small round doorpull. That set lasted well until the early 80's. The lady had been widowed in the meantime and remarried a man who had a larger home. He had Maytags (avocado 68's). What is ironic is that prior to purchasing the Whirlpools she bought a Maytag set. She wasn't happy with them; she used them a month, maybe less, and returned them to the dealer for a full refund! Sometimes what goes around comes around.

Post# 52126 , Reply# 23   12/31/2004 at 16:30 (7,324 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
I wonder what the woman had against Maytags

But, it looks like she ended up having to deal with them anyway; she ran but she couldn't hide forever.

I had been able to snag the 1964 Whirlpool pair (I remember seeing those machines for sale brand new at a local discount department store back then) and the 1966 Whirlpool washer over the years, but I still regret that the purchase of the 1959 Imperial in the pictures fell through. Kind of wonder what made them switch for just the one year in styling for 1958, sort of like Pontiac abandoning the divided grill for 1960 only and then going back to it in '61. Who knows what prompts some of the styling changes.

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