Thread Number: 860
Lady Kenmore 1950's Wringer--VISIMATIC
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Post# 51995   12/29/2004 at 12:29 (7,198 days old) by Manoravenue ()        

Don't know if anybody is into wringer models, but there's a c.1955 pink/white Lady Kenmore wringer up for auction just today. I'm wondering if it's through that Affordable Appliance Company as the auction location is said to be West Chester, PA. They also have an early 1950's Speed Queen wringer and a couple of Maytag wringer auctions.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Manoravenue's LINK on eBay

Post# 51999 , Reply# 1   12/29/2004 at 16:03 (7,198 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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Also a "Gentle Hands" Thor washer - very cool as well. But those prices...

Post# 52006 , Reply# 2   12/29/2004 at 18:44 (7,198 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
Wringer prices

I thought the "gentle hands" sounded a little out of context in connection with a machine manufactured by a company with the name "Thor"! As for the price on the Lady Kenmore, do you think it is way over-priced? I was half thinking about making a bid, as though I have room for anything else in my garage at present, but it just seemed like a cool color and design and my home itself was built in 1953.

Post# 52009 , Reply# 3   12/29/2004 at 20:47 (7,198 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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I paid $10 for the pink Visi-Matic I found and subsequently gave to Scott in Minneapolis.

Post# 52033 , Reply# 4   12/30/2004 at 11:32 (7,197 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
Ten Dollar Deal!

On that basis, yes, I guess an opening bid of $350 for the Kenmore wringer is a bit much! It's just that I don't know when the last time was I saw a vintage anything in the way of appliances in this area, so I figured the rarity of the model might have some bearing on the price.

Post# 52049 , Reply# 5   12/30/2004 at 17:19 (7,197 days old) by partscounterman (Cortez, Colorado)        
Depends on where you are...

When I lived in St. Paul, MN, regular visits to estate sales would have a person scoring a wringer washer within a month. These could be had cheeep.

As I have traveled west, wringer washers seemed to get rarer the further west in the mainland I went. I don't know what the wringer scene is in CA, however. I suspect that westerners more quickly embraced automatic washers? I also never saw any suds-saver machines in SW CO or in Phoenix, which struck me as odd. They were so common in the "land of 10,000 lakes".

I did see an old wringer washer tub converted into a planter here on Maui. So far, its the only evidence from the wringer era I've seen on this rock.

Post# 52052 , Reply# 6   12/30/2004 at 18:04 (7,197 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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As for wringers, starting price should be $50.00 and reserve is no higher than $125.00. I know most ebay sellers think that there is a very big market for those machines but in reality, it all depends on the starting bid price, that's what makes them or break them!

As you know, two Norge's and a Whirlpool wringer was on eBay for the starting price of $200.00-$300.00 and it never sold, so sellers beware that we will not pay allot for a fully manual (non automatic) washer!

I may come across very harsh, but I refuse to bite my tongue about very financially unaffordable starting bids on this type of machine!

Yes I'm a Defected Diva, in other words B*tch!!!
And I do know how to wear lables.....

Post# 52145 , Reply# 7   12/31/2004 at 22:07 (7,196 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Automatics for Westerners

As far back as I can remember what a washing machine was (1957), all of my family or their friends had automatics, no wringers, so maybe Westerners did embrace automatics early on. As I've said before, though, dryers were rare.

Post# 52160 , Reply# 8   12/31/2069 at 18:00 (19,980 days old) by geoff (Cape Coral, FL)        

geoff's profile picture
You GO Girl :) :)

Post# 52175 , Reply# 9   1/1/2005 at 09:12 (7,195 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
I feel a high five coming on!


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