Thread Number: 86147  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Newton gear case cover assembly
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Post# 1107110   2/7/2021 at 10:25 (1,265 days old) by latchlock8111 (Sulphur Springs Tx)        

After finally getting around to the re-build of the Maytag A408 I come across this: ... After having been stored indoors for 5 plus years the shaft threads are toast. Spanner wrench works great but took the threads with it on removal. Righty, loosy all the way. During storage the spin tube froze up on the shaft. Bottom line this dog won't hunt. Solution ?? Perfect part is #200813 "Gear Case Cover Assembly" ... good luck finding that. What should/will work is the TOP half off any Newton-Pitman style transmission, right ?? I think so. If you can spare one with a "good" shaft and "good" threads let me know. Don't need the counter-balance, save on shipping. If you are within 200 miles of Dallas, with cash in hand, I'll pencil in a road trip and come and take it !

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