Thread Number: 86323  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele Novotronic W1926 washing machine drain pump replacement
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Post# 1109026   2/21/2021 at 16:33 (1,251 days old) by Reed (US)        

Hello Everyone on the forum,

I'm having great difficulty finding a replacement drain pump for my Miele Novotronic W1926 washing machine. The current pump leaks, and I believe this is due to its seal wearing out. Firstly, is this something that can be repaired (e.g. new gasket, plasti-dip/spray seal, silicone, etc.)? If it's not repairable, does anyone know if it's possible to find a genuine replacement part? If not available, is there a non-OEM part, or perhaps even some type of universal drain pump, or maybe one from another brand that would work in this machine?

Thanks very much for your help.


Post# 1109034 , Reply# 1   2/21/2021 at 18:17 (1,251 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
First the obvious, did you reach out to MieleUSA parts to see if thing is in stock?

If answer to that question is "yes", and "no they don't", then onto Plan B.

Check part number but IIRC it is "T.-Nr 3568614"

This is a standard 220v-240v "Hanning" 95 watt pump that you can order from various parts places in Europe and Australia.

You can also try eBay using "worldwide" search for new or used.

The 19XX series of washing machines are getting on and MieleUSA may have declared those models obsolete. Once this happens they no longer order in parts from Europe. What they have in stock is all, and once that goes there won't be anymore. Only parts that are still used on later models are still kept in current stock.

Post# 1109163 , Reply# 2   2/22/2021 at 12:18 (1,250 days old) by Reed (US)        

Hi Launderess,

Thanks so much for the reply. We started with Miele, but our machine is just old enough for them to no longer stock its parts.

In what I thought was a rather thorough search, I did not come across the links you sent, which are of course very helpful. I was hoping that there might have been a way to fix the pump, which seems to have failed only because of its somewhat worn seal, but given its age, perhaps it's just best to replace it. Given how little we spent on the machines, and how well they've performed thus far, I'm in no position to complain.

On the pump itself, I was curious if you felt like purchasing a suitable aftermarket pump (basically, non-Miele, but designed to operate in our model) would be a mistake.

Thanks again for your help.


Post# 1109433 , Reply# 3   2/24/2021 at 18:42 (1,248 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
To best of my knowledge Miele washing machine pumps aren't "repairable", that is if seal is going best to chuck entire thing and replace with new. If this isn't at all possible for some reason, then moving on to plan B might be in order.

Keep in mind that spares for Miele appliances are only rather dear in North America. That has much to do with fact everything is imported from Germany to Princeton, NJ so all associated costs are factored into pricing.

In Europe parts for Miele, Bosch, AEG and all manner of appliances are not only more reasonable, but far easily sourced. Rather like how easily we here can find things for Kenmore, GE, Whirlpool, and other parts.

Also in Europe Miele does not have their parts strictly under lock and key as with North America. There are plenty of sources for new OEM or aftermarket parts in say Germany, France and UK for Miele appliances, often far cheaper than what they would cost in USA.

Aftermarket parts in Europe abound, and things are just like USA, some are great, others not so much. That being said ordered such a part for my German AEG washer and so far no problems.

Keep in mind some parts Miele produces in house, others they bought off shelf from various vendors. Miele didn't make things like water solenoids for instance, so you can simply go with whatever is highly rated as replacement.

Only issue with Miele washers of old sold in USA is if part in question is 120v at 60hz or 220v-240v at 50hz.

My Miele washer is older than yours and nothing internally runs on 220v, it's all 120v which has made sourcing parts difficult if not impossible. Miele no longer stocks and finding NOS has proved elusive.

If pump on your washer runs 208v-240v at 50-60hz then proper part from Europe be it Miele or aftermarket should be fine.

Yes, Miele 19xx series is old enough now that Miele has declared them obsolete. That is having passed the 15 year from date of model being discontinued Miele no longer promises to stock replacement functional parts. Again only parts from such machines that are used in successive models are available.

Haven't had Miele do a call out in several years (thank God), and there have been many changes since. Previously Miele techs would install replacement parts owner had if they were new and unused. Don't know if this still is still true if you felt uncomfortable doing the repair.

It seems Miele used Hanning pumps for your series of washers. You can contact various European suppliers to see if they have same in stock. Be sure to give all information from ratings plate on pump (model #, watts, voltage, frequency, etc...) and for what make and model of washing machine.

Post# 1110377 , Reply# 4   3/6/2021 at 10:36 (1,238 days old) by Reed (US)        

Hello Laundress,

Apologies for the lateness of my reply - I just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful help, and especially for the additional links for parts. This is a relatively easy part to replace/install (we also replaced the shocks in one of the washers), so calling a Miele tech should be unnecessary (and, frankly, it sounds like they may not be willing to perform the install).

Thanks again. This forum - and your help - has been a lifesaver. Who'd have guessed laundry could be so interesting?


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