Thread Number: 86393  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
GE Potscrubber 1200 Buttons
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Post# 1109758   2/27/2021 at 22:43 (1,300 days old) by nuwash (Fort Wayne, IN)        

Question for you guys! Are the cycle select buttons supposed to pop back up when the cycle has ran its course?

Post# 1109770 , Reply# 1   2/28/2021 at 00:41 (1,300 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
No. the cycle button you select and is used to start the dishwasher, stays in after the cycle compoletes. It simply makes it easier to start the dishwasher if it's the same cycle you use all the time. The cycles I pretty much used all the time were either light soil or potscrubber.

Now on mine, after 15 years the mechanism that kept the button in finally gave out. the button always stayed popped out after that point. But it didn't have any effect on starting the dishwasher. I just pushed the button in to start the cycle as usual. The button just came out after I started it. So from that time on, all the buttons were al pushed out in a flat looking appearance.

Post# 1109849 , Reply# 2   2/28/2021 at 20:33 (1,299 days old) by nuwash (Fort Wayne, IN)        

Cool, thank you for explaining!

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