Thread Number: 864
Maytag Pair Up For Trade
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Post# 52035   12/30/2004 at 11:56 (7,148 days old) by Manoravenue ()        

Hello again: I have a top-of-the-line Maytag pair with the 1966-styling, assume it's from the mid-1970's as it's Harvest gold. Don't know why I bought this particular pair as (1) the dryer is gas and I don't have a gas hook-up, and (2) the Harvest gold color never appealed to me, but the price was right, they're supposed to be in top condition mechanically, and they have the light-up consoles. The glass on the washer's console is broken, but I have the replacement piece to go with the machine. Had ordered a replacement for the dryer's door knob, but was unable to pick it up this past year due to family turmoil that kept me close to home. The replacement knob is still available through special order from Maytag. "ANYWAY, JUNE" (as my mother's late across-the-street neighbor used to yell at his wife when she started digressing in the conversation), I would like to trade the Maytag pair for an older vintage classic washer alone (1950's or 1960's). Most especially, if anybody has a 1957 GE Filter-flo they'd be willing to part with (I can hear all the "Fat Chance's" resounding in the background!), I would be interested as it's humanly possible to be! The 1957 GE was my introduction to "washer-dom" being the machine that was in my maternal grandparents' kitchen in their Victorian flat on Fell Street in SF when I was just knee-high. Always thought it was right out of the Jetsons' home and I think my fondness for the salmon-orange color in home interior items from the 1950's comes from the color of the GE's timer dial. Can always remember how it took the machine forever and a day to fill what with the archaic plumbing in that Victorian building, and sometimes the draining wash water came "this close" to going over the edge of the kitchen sink, but never had any accidents that I recall. Actually, I should give credit to the 1953 Westinghouse in our own household as being my real introduction, but there was something about the light-up dial and the filter-flo action of my grandparents' GE that still seemed to win out. If anyone would be interested in a trade of some kind, please e-mail me. I'm sure the '57 GE needs no introduction, but I have a couple of magazine ads on my computer that I can e-mail in case anyone wants positive identification.

Another sought-after trade would be the 1954 Laundromat match for my 1954 Westinghouse dryer. There was a 1954 Westinghouse pair on Ebay earlier this year I believe and I interested in it for the washer alone, but I wasn't the auction winner.

Thanks very much -- George --

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