Thread Number: 86635  /  Tag: Classified Ad Finds
Vintage home incenerator..rare.. old. Stove $225
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Post# 1112313   3/22/2021 at 08:25 (1,222 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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My parents had one of these , but it was a dark green or blue color. The city outlawed burning and by some time in the 70s, that was the end of burning our trash. I didn't miss the emptying of the ashes!


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Post# 1112338 , Reply# 1   3/22/2021 at 11:58 (1,222 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

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I grew up in Eagle Rock, a little neighborhood in the North of Los Angeles nestled between Glendale and Pasadena. The area was largely developed in the twenties and thirties and many of the houses in the neighborhood had brick contraptions in the backyards that looked like some sort of oven or BBQ with tall brick chimneys. In reality they were all built for burning trash, though none had been used for decades. They were similar to this design. I’ve never seen one like the one you posted above. Didn’t even know they existed.

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Post# 1112345 , Reply# 2   3/22/2021 at 12:56 (1,222 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        

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We were one of the few families on our street/block that had an incinerator. It was so convenient...but oh, the pollution, I'm sure not tooooooo goooooood.

Interesting design there - looks like a back yard cooker.

Post# 1112350 , Reply# 3   3/22/2021 at 13:36 (1,222 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        
looks like a back yard cooker.

d-jones's profile picture
Yep. As a kid that's what I thought they were. One day I asked why nobody used them and I was told what they were for.

Post# 1112352 , Reply# 4   3/22/2021 at 13:54 (1,222 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

That looks exactly like a Brazilian barbecue grill.

It's almost impossible to imagine a house or apartment in Brazil without one of those.

Post# 1112368 , Reply# 5   3/22/2021 at 15:07 (1,222 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Looks like plans for the BBQ Fred and Ricky built that Lucy and Ethel disassembled looking for the ring, and then reassembled poorly.

Post# 1112381 , Reply# 6   3/22/2021 at 17:09 (1,222 days old) by ovrphil (N.Atlanta / Georgia )        
Reply #5

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That was a FUNNY episode, Tom....remember it well.

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