Thread Number: 86769  /  Tag: Classified Ad Finds
KDS-18 and Westinghouse cooktop, oven and hood
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Post# 1113396   3/31/2021 at 18:05 (1,213 days old) by Marky_mark (From Liverpool. Now living in Palm Springs and Madrid)        

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Palm Desert, California. $300. 


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Post# 1113403 , Reply# 1   3/31/2021 at 19:36 (1,213 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Cooktop, wall oven, and vent looks just like the Westinghouse kitchen t our neighbors across the street--house built fall 1960/spring 1961.

Post# 1113411 , Reply# 2   3/31/2021 at 22:27 (1,213 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

The ad says the oven is 31" wide, which would require a 33" oven cabinet, which is uncommon.

Maybe it's just the angle of the picture, but it looks like the cooktop units are all the same size, and all small 6". The front coils are different though, 3 winds instead of 4.

Post# 1113412 , Reply# 3   3/31/2021 at 23:22 (1,213 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
6" burners are in the front and 8" burners in the back. 30" GE wall oven replaced the original Westinghouse oven in our neighbors house.

I wonder if the KDS18 replaced the original dishwasher, which would have been a Westinghouse Roll-out "Wash Well" dishwasher, hopefully with power boost water heat.

Our neighbor replaced their Westinghouse dishwasher with a KDS16. That dishwasher remained there until the house was sold in 2013 or 2014--albeit with new motor and racks over the years.

Post# 1113458 , Reply# 4   4/1/2021 at 12:24 (1,212 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Thanks Bob. I thought it would be very odd if it didn't have any 8" unit.

Post# 1113651 , Reply# 5   4/3/2021 at 21:02 (1,210 days old) by norgeway (mocksville n c )        

Made the widest wall oven back then, best baking in my opinion by far of any on the market.

Post# 1113946 , Reply# 6   4/6/2021 at 20:44 (1,207 days old) by lotsosudz (Sacramento, CA)        
Westinghouse Ovens

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I was very fond of the 50's style, where the controls were below the oven. Their cooktops were pretty darn good as well. They burners were pretty responsive to raising, or lowering the heat.

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