Thread Number: 87286  /  Tag: Classified Ad Finds
Almost completely unused GE filter flos $450
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Post# 1118673   5/29/2021 at 06:05 (1,154 days old) by Kermit (Rochester hills, Michigan )        

Honestly I’d say the price is worth it since it comes with a matching dryer. The person selling it said it was only used a couple of times. It also has a later model straight vane agitator. If anyone wants these, get them, and if they’re left over, then I think I’ll buy them


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Post# 1118674 , Reply# 1   5/29/2021 at 06:45 (1,154 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Washer was built in January 1979 and dryer in November 1978. Dryer is the super capacity and a gas one at that! I’ve really wanted one of these for a long time but my experiences with multiple shippers lately has been terrible due to their unreliability and lack of communication.

Post# 1118699 , Reply# 2   5/29/2021 at 14:08 (1,154 days old) by Kermit (Rochester hills, Michigan )        
I’ll buy it

Well, it’s still for sale, and I like that it is in pristine condition, I’ll see if I can buy the pair

Post# 1118700 , Reply# 3   5/29/2021 at 14:10 (1,154 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Good luck! I hope you get them.

Post# 1118702 , Reply# 4   5/29/2021 at 14:58 (1,154 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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That was my washer and dryer pair I bought April 1978, probably produced late 1977 or very early 1978. Mine had a different sequence on the perm press cycle--it did a partial spin drain, fill, and 8 minute agitation like WP did with their PP cycle. This particular model does a continuous cold spray once the pressure switch is reset. I had a coworker get this exact set in 1979 with my suggestion.

Post# 1118714 , Reply# 5   5/29/2021 at 17:01 (1,154 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Post# 1118718 , Reply# 6   5/29/2021 at 17:58 (1,154 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
At $375 for set someone really should get those machines.

Post# 1118721 , Reply# 7   5/29/2021 at 18:56 (1,154 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Yeah, if you really want to waste a lot of water, that is the washer to get. The only way I use a top loader now is if I can drain it into another machine to get two uses out of the wash water then drain the rinse water out into the yard. I saved a young dogwood tree during a hot drought one summer doing that.  I put a sump pump in the bottom of a 32 gallon container and ran the water out to the tree. 

Post# 1119001 , Reply# 8   6/1/2021 at 19:48 (1,151 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Will, have you had any luck acquiring this set?

Post# 1119003 , Reply# 9   6/1/2021 at 20:11 (1,150 days old) by Kermit (Rochester hills, Michigan )        
I don’t know

The thing is that I had a deal with my mom. If she could get a puppy, I could get another washer and dryer. I have to wait until the end of June to get it. Honestly, I’m not gonna be too sad about losing it, but still, it’s in pristine condition. So if anyone wants it, I’d say come now!

Post# 1119009 , Reply# 10   6/1/2021 at 21:07 (1,150 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

d-jones's profile picture
Is that a mini basket setting on the washer? A very useful feature if it is.

Post# 1119015 , Reply# 11   6/1/2021 at 22:02 (1,150 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Yes this is a mini basket washer. With these machines in the great condition that they are I would think the mini basket and filter pan are still there unless someone threw them out not knowing what they were as I’ve seen happen often. While I haven’t intentionally looked for one I haven’t seen a straight vane mini basket pop up for sale in 5 or 6 years.

Post# 1121660 , Reply# 12   6/28/2021 at 21:49 (1,123 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
I’d really like to get this set. I’ve messaged the seller multiple times with no response although the message shows to have been seen. I even sent my phone number to no avail. Is there anyone near these who would be willing to pick these up and hold them for my shipper to get them. My shipper tells me he’ll be in Michigan in the next 2 weeks. I’m willing to pay anyone for their trouble. If interested, my email is in my profile. Thanks.

Post# 1121667 , Reply# 13   6/28/2021 at 23:12 (1,123 days old) by Kermit (Rochester hills, Michigan )        
I’ll try

He has been responding to me, I’ll see if I can get his attention for now, since he has been responding to me. If he says no, I can’t guarantee it, but I’d see if I could possibly hold them for you.

Post# 1121668 , Reply# 14   6/28/2021 at 23:15 (1,123 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
That would be very generous of you. Since this was an estate deal supposedly I was hoping that the mini basket and filter pan weren’t tossed out yet.

Post# 1121671 , Reply# 15   6/28/2021 at 23:39 (1,123 days old) by mb1974 (pa)        

Good Luck Repairguy

Post# 1121716 , Reply# 16   6/29/2021 at 07:15 (1,123 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Thanks Michael. I hope you are enjoying your recently acquired filter flo set.

Post# 1121753 , Reply# 17   6/29/2021 at 11:50 (1,123 days old) by Kermit (Rochester hills, Michigan )        
Answer is no

I’m not allowed to hold the washer and dryer for you, sadly, but check to see if they are still available, the person who sold the Norge washer to me still has an ad up on FB marketplace.

Post# 1121769 , Reply# 18   6/29/2021 at 15:15 (1,123 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Thanks for trying. I had to give it one last shot.

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