Thread Number: 87679  /  Tag: Wanted to Buy Items
Beautiful Maytags
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Post# 1122415   7/5/2021 at 13:03 (1,117 days old) by Laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        

laundryboy's profile picture
I love this colour. Dryer


Post# 1122420 , Reply# 1   7/5/2021 at 13:47 (1,117 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Coppertone 806

Post# 1122421 , Reply# 2   7/5/2021 at 14:18 (1,117 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

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Post# 1122425 , Reply# 3   7/5/2021 at 14:59 (1,117 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

I always liked Maytag's Coppertone, along with GE/Hotpoint's shade. The picture makes it look somewhat more orange than it really is, at least on this screen.

Post# 1122428 , Reply# 4   7/5/2021 at 15:18 (1,117 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Informs me listing isn't available any longer.

Post# 1122490 , Reply# 5   7/6/2021 at 07:03 (1,116 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
The listing page

has a "FREE" 1986 Ford Mustang. In Detroit, so who knows why? Hot, phony v.i.n., salvaged, blown engine/trans/etc.

Post# 1122523 , Reply# 6   7/6/2021 at 15:34 (1,116 days old) by laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        

laundryboy's profile picture
I had arranged to pick these up from the seller, in case anyone wanted them, but hes disappeared now

Post# 1122624 , Reply# 7   7/7/2021 at 15:00 (1,115 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Any luck? They are showing as sold now.

Post# 1122636 , Reply# 8   7/7/2021 at 17:00 (1,115 days old) by laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        

laundryboy's profile picture
He sent me a message today that said when can I come pick them up, I said today, he then said he is busy all day until this weekend, then marked them as sold and has not returned any of my messages, I hope he honestly sold them to someone who will take care of them, if they are even his to sell jsut sounds like a scam to me

Post# 1122637 , Reply# 9   7/7/2021 at 17:24 (1,115 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Wow! I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve noticed that sellers seem to be getting increasingly sketchy these days and it can be very frustrating.

Post# 1122690 , Reply# 10   7/8/2021 at 11:47 (1,114 days old) by d-jones (Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Area))        

d-jones's profile picture

He may have marked them as sold because he considers them sold to you and wanted the calls and messages from others to stop. He did say he wouldn't be available until this weekend, so keep trying until then.

Post# 1122720 , Reply# 11   7/8/2021 at 16:52 (1,114 days old) by Sudsomatic (Indiana)        
I agree with d-jones

sudsomatic's profile picture



It could be very possible he marked them as sold because he considers them sold to you. While it's rude to ignore someone's messages and DM's on any site I've found Facebook is pretty notorious for that when dealing with people listing items for sale.


So many sellers on Facebook are not only very TLDR but also very "I don't have time for that" about communication with potential buyers. They aren't bound by rules, procedure, and time limits like eBay, Amazon, Etsy, or any traditional structured selling service.


Facebook Marketplace has no real feedback system either which lends an air of no consequences to casual sellers. They get to things when they get to them and really don't seem to be bothered by the general niceties of good business, nor are they seemingly very concerned as to whether or not they'll lose the sell because of it.


I bought something from someone where despite making an agreement early on it was almost 3 months later before we got to a point where I could go get it. Don't give up on it yet.




Post# 1122734 , Reply# 12   7/8/2021 at 19:31 (1,114 days old) by laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        
Sellers are nuts

laundryboy's profile picture
I heard from the seller today, he said he has investors that want to purchase these machines for double the price he had them listed for, Not sure who is investing in Maytags, but kudos to the seller for making some extra money on them.\

He will keep me informed this weekend if they are still available after his investors come look at them

Post# 1122754 , Reply# 13   7/9/2021 at 03:20 (1,113 days old) by HobartHero (New York)        

hobarthero's profile picture
Sounds like a fishy story. It seems like he had more interest than he expected and is trying to see if he can get more money than he had them listed for. He was probably hoping you’d offer to pay the double amount instead. I don’t like dealing with people who do that kind of stuff and it happens a lot on FB unfortunately. Good luck if they come back to you.

Post# 1122759 , Reply# 14   7/9/2021 at 04:55 (1,113 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Investors? I would tell him to shove those Maytags into a delicate spot!

Post# 1122761 , Reply# 15   7/9/2021 at 05:24 (1,113 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Run, don't walk from such sellers!

Post# 1122763 , Reply# 16   7/9/2021 at 06:28 (1,113 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
He's looking for more money.

chachp's profile picture


He thinks you want them and thinks you will offer him more if you think someone else is going to get them.

Post# 1122811 , Reply# 17   7/9/2021 at 19:15 (1,113 days old) by Sudsomatic (Indiana)        
That sucks...

sudsomatic's profile picture


And I fully rescind my giving him the benefit of the doubt from yesterdays post. There's lazy business tactics and then there's just being an A-hole.


He sounds like he's watched too many movies with this 'private investors' BS, as much as it sucks to lose this awesome dryer sounds like you're better off not dealing with him.

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