Thread Number: 878
L-8 help requested
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Post# 52137   12/31/2004 at 20:42 (7,147 days old) by maytagluver ()        

Happy New Year everyone:
I'm trying to locate a boot for Westy L-8 Laundramat. The machine runs, but having set for quite a while, the boot has dried out and cracked in a few places, leaves quite a mess on the floor.
I wasn't sure if the boot for the newer Westy's would interchange or not?? any suggestions or help in locating a boot would be GREATLY appreciated.
We're anxious to get the L-8 was well as D-8 back in service.
May I say again...what a GREAT site!!!!

Many thanks for any assistance.

Regards; Al :~)

Post# 52417 , Reply# 1   1/4/2005 at 15:08 (7,143 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
Westinghouse boots

Here's the contact info for a man who would probably be able to help you give your Westinghouse a "boot" -- I'm sorry, corny as hell, but I couldn't resist that one. I know this same man helped a friend of mine in the past. Good luck and Happy 2005 -- George --

Dave Harnish
Dave's Repair Service
New Albany, PA

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