Thread Number: 87931  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele W1-series - numbering explained?
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Post# 1125004   8/5/2021 at 13:30 (1,086 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

So the numbering of Mieles W1 washer and washer dryer series has always kind of confused me.
Of course higher is better.
But that fisrt digit didn't make much sense to me until I went through different country versions for another thread on here and something clicked.

The number is actually more or less directly connected to the version of control unit employed - or more so how many functions it has to perform.

So any machine is labeled with 3 letters, then 3 numbers and then certain shorthands for certain features, like TDos or WPS.

The WPS/WCS/WPM shorthand was there ever since that was a differentiating factor.
But the rest was always coded into the 3 or 4 digits.
Until the W1 where the add ons appeared.

And I never could figure out why they were needed or why a 6xx machine was as expensive as a 3xx machine if by the pure "higher is better" logic the 6 should be much better.
Or why there weren't 4xx machines for example.

But I think for the most recent generation I have figured out how that works.

0 - Lowest in line. Has the smaller tub unit made of GlaronK, but most importantly, has only 6 touch buttons and no more that WPS as a feature. Has a flow meter though.
These have been tagged on at the bottom to fill the low price segment, thus somewhat stray out of the line.

1- Next up, has the stainless steel tub unit. Further has the typical direct sensor controls, WPS as an option from here on up as well, but lacks the flow meter.

3 - 2 higher than the 1 generation, they have the option for PowerWash a flow meter. Further, these machines can be configured with either a 1-line-display or DirectSensor controls.
PowerWash basically takes up 1 "slot" in the electronics, the flow meter another.
However, the flow meter can be ditched for a drum light.

6 - These machines have TwinDos and the required flow meter for that. The full TwinDos unit takes up 4 slots on the elctronics, plus the flow meter. Thus 5 higher than the entry level 1 line.
Also available in bot 1-line and DirectSensor controls.

7 - Rare model, but the EU has a TwinDos model with hot fill option. The additional slot for the hot intake adds 1 to the number.

8 - These machines are available in both 1-line-display and MTouch variations and all have the full TwinDos package as well as PW.
They have the option for a steam generator added, thus one up. They are also the first to employ a motorised water diverter.
That diverter frees up some space for a drum light and the option for the load size display.

9 - The "Passion" TOL model adds a hot fill ontop, thus being again one higher.

Across countries, there is the option to ditch WPS in favor of a hot fill without increasing the model up a notch.
The slot that is assigned to the WPS system that is present on all models is then re-assigned to the hot valve.
Thus no complexity is added but hot fill is enabled, eg for the US market.

That is also why the EU models with hot fill all increase by 1 in level: they have hot fill AND WPS, thus need 1 more "slot".

The new washer-dryers currently only launched in the EU follow about the same system.
I assume they use the same system the Electrolux uses on their washer-dryers and use a second sub electronic board that manages drying in terms of heating, airflow and moisture sensing.

Thus, this system emerges.

1 - Lowest end. The WPS-slot is assigned to the valve for the condenser. No other features. But I imagine that a flow-meter is present in all of them and thus not counted.

3 - PowerWash is added. And a drum light. And SteamCare.

8 - Highest end. There now is space for the TwinDos modul which adds 4. Plus the option for load size display.

Because the 3 letters and 3 numbers don't actually tell which options have been equipped, the addition at the end make the key features clear.

Found that very enlightning when I realised that, so wanted to share this with ya'll.

Post# 1125473 , Reply# 1   8/10/2021 at 08:54 (1,081 days old) by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)        

what is WPS please, Henrik?

Post# 1125499 , Reply# 2   8/10/2021 at 15:33 (1,081 days old) by Stephen (Palm Springs CA USA)        

Water Proof System


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Post# 1185816 , Reply# 3   7/25/2023 at 10:52 (367 days old) by Photopuppet (Chelmsford)        

Sorry to mess your numbering system up... But we have a W1 Miele which is a WDB004 - it has a stainless steel tub, cast iron counterweights and three vibration dampers. :D

The numbering system just baffles me...

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