Thread Number: 87966  /  Tag: Classified Ad Finds
Free Vintage 80’s Appliances (Annapolis MD)
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Post# 1125387   8/8/2021 at 21:22 (1,082 days old) by HobartHero (New York)        

hobarthero's profile picture
These look very clean. I’d grab if I was closer. Monterey 21 KA dishwasher looks great. I love the GE refrigerator although I know nothing about the reliability of the model. Thermador Stove/Microwave and cooktop look super clean as well. Hopefully someone grabs these.


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Post# 1125390 , Reply# 1   8/8/2021 at 22:39 (1,082 days old) by Tigg817 (Ohio)        
The GE refrigerator

I can tell you that they are great and reliable I am using the one my parents bought in the late 80's and the only thing that has went wrong is the defroster had to be replaced 8 years ago.

Post# 1125391 , Reply# 2   8/8/2021 at 22:41 (1,082 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

The only thing the cooktop is good for is making rails for trains out of those cast iron elements.

Post# 1125403 , Reply# 3   8/9/2021 at 05:41 (1,082 days old) by HobartHero (New York)        
Everything else

hobarthero's profile picture
All the other stuff more than makes up for the crummy stovetop. I wish I was closer because they would already be mine.

Post# 1125496 , Reply# 4   8/10/2021 at 14:59 (1,081 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
tempted to get the fridge.....

I had the Kenmore version of fridge ever, although the Kenmore may have had a few more options....

for one thing, you will NEVER run out of ice!...

Post# 1125533 , Reply# 5   8/11/2021 at 05:54 (1,080 days old) by HobartHero (New York)        
I love the fridge!

hobarthero's profile picture
It’s a beautiful fridge. If I had the time to go down there I’d get all of it to be honest but it’s not in the cards. I hope one of you guys grab them before they’re gone!

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