Thread Number: 88115  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
1976 KitchenAid KDS-17A -- free for the taking
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Post# 1126986   8/27/2021 at 09:29 (1,064 days old) by arcfire (Northfield, MN)        

I am looking to give away an avocado green 1976 KitchenAid Superba KDS-17A. A single wire inside the machine door has failed and would need replacing.

(Any suggestions on a better place to post this dishwasher are welcome)

The dishwasher has worked beautifully for me for the 12 years I've lived in this house, even though it's as old as I am. It washes well, and in around 30 minutes! Unlike the multiple hour wash cycles of modern machines.

It's just recently stopped due to this one failed wire, and figuring out how to replace that wire is beyond my minimal abilities.

I'm hoping somebody with a little repair know-how is interested in taking it, or perhaps somebody else with a similar model could use it for parts?

I'm in Northfield MN, 45 minutes south of Minneapolis. The machine is free if you are willing to pick it up. But the delivery guys will take it away to dispose of it (*sniff*) the afternoon of Tuesday Aug. 31 if it's not spoken for.

If you are interested, contact me via the email address shown in the attached photo.


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Post# 1197881 , Reply# 1   1/25/2024 at 11:52 (183 days old) by KGondron (Louisiana)        
KitchenAid KDS-17A

Do you by any chance still have this machine?

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