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Post# 1133811   11/17/2021 at 17:37 (982 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture

Paired with a newer WP dryer - $150 for the pair in Knoxville, TN.



CLICK HERE TO GO TO pulltostart's LINK on Knoxville Craigslist

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Post# 1133818 , Reply# 1   11/17/2021 at 18:19 (982 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Nice with mini wash! 1972?

Post# 1133824 , Reply# 2   11/17/2021 at 19:05 (982 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture

Definitely no newer than 1972.  1973 debuted a new design.



Post# 1133828 , Reply# 3   11/17/2021 at 19:40 (982 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture
Apparently this is an abandoned druggie house or something. Who lives like this?

But we shouldn't complain as it's the apathetic morals of such that allow a nearly 50 year old appliance, like this, to co-exist so that hunters like ourselves can ultimately enjoy.

I'm just amazed it's lasted all these years. I suppose people who can only afford (or remember) to do laundry once or twice a month saves a lot on detergent and wear and tear on the machines. In fact, I don't see any detergent at all. Maybe they are more of a rinse only and dry with fabric sheets to save spending money on detergent.

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Post# 1133835 , Reply# 4   11/17/2021 at 20:48 (981 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Certainly looks like a 1972 N line with the black box surround for the timer, maybe something like a WWA8400N. Really cool washer, bummer of a house it is in.


Post# 1133850 , Reply# 5   11/18/2021 at 02:16 (981 days old) by toploadloyalist (San Luis Obispo, CA)        

I had neighbors back in my childhood who had this particular model in this color. I remember that opening the lid did NOT stop the agitation, as in later models. Any idea what year GE washers first did that?

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