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71? Kenmore washer Detroit
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Post# 1137924   12/31/2021 at 00:40 (1,138 days old) by mopar65 (Almont MI)        

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Sorry if I mess the link up, I’m not good with the fb and hate it. $50


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This post was last edited 12/31/2021 at 01:00

Post# 1137926 , Reply# 1   12/31/2021 at 00:44 (1,138 days old) by mopar65 (Almont MI)        

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Post# 1137927 , Reply# 2   12/31/2021 at 00:50 (1,138 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture

You did a pretty good job.

Post# 1137940 , Reply# 3   12/31/2021 at 06:48 (1,137 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture

Spin not working on the normal cycle seems odd... Motor or timer issue would be my guess, but both should be repairable.   

Post# 1137945 , Reply# 4   12/31/2021 at 09:52 (1,137 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
That is a nice example of a ‘71 model Kenmore 800 built the 45th week of 1971. It has the full width console fluorescent light, dry detergent dispenser, and automatic liquid bleach and fabric softener dispensers. This was a very versatile machine and despite a little peeling near the controls the cabinet is in great condition making it a good restoration candidate which is what this machine would need to continue being a great example of Kenmore washer history. Hope someone can save it.

Post# 1137959 , Reply# 5   12/31/2021 at 11:12 (1,137 days old) by elginkid (Cincinnati, OH)        
Bummer it looks like it will be sold.

elginkid's profile picture
I messaged the guy about the machine, because Dave (Volvoguy87) has the matching dryer and it would be nice to complete the set. But hte seller said someone was coming from Saginaw this weekend.

Post# 1138071 , Reply# 6   1/1/2022 at 15:12 (1,136 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Nice machine.  And more people need to wake up and smell the stench of FB's evil brew.

Post# 1138072 , Reply# 7   1/1/2022 at 15:14 (1,136 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture

What is this Facebook people keep speak of ? ;)

Post# 1138412 , Reply# 8   1/4/2022 at 14:47 (1,133 days old) by extmaxspin (Saginaw MI)        
I was the person from Saginaw...

extmaxspin's profile picture
I did pick it up Saturday and got it downstairs on Sunday. I've not hooked it to water yet, but it DOES appear to spin on Normal cycle, so I'm not sure what the issue was the seller was having with that.

The strange thing I've found (so far) is that the machine wants to continually agitate. When set for agitation, it is locked and transmission driven, but when it advances to drain, and spin, the agitator continues back and forth. In drain or spin, you can hold the agitator to stop it from moving, and when loaded with fabrics in contact with it, I'm sure the agitator will be still during drain and then spin with the load.

I've seen this on another BD machine I have (1982), but it is only in drain if it's running empty. And it's very slight movement, not like the full strokes of this 1971. I called this "phantom agitation" on the 1982, but in the 1971, this is more of a poltergeist!

Anyone have experience with this to know what's going on?

Thanks, and I'll post a video of this when I get a chance.

Post# 1138413 , Reply# 9   1/4/2022 at 15:03 (1,133 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        
Reply #8

maytag85's profile picture
My 1963 RCA Whirlpool Imperial Mark XII does that when empty but doesn’t do it when there’s clothes in it. The agitator short of agitated when it spins but doesn’t always do it when it spins. I recently rebuilt its transmission last spin and I guess I could be “breaking in” still but only time will tell.

Post# 1138419 , Reply# 10   1/4/2022 at 16:54 (1,133 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Congrats on saving a great machine Mark!

I always thought that those agitators behaved that way because the oil had turned to thick sludge in the gearcase.

Post# 1138428 , Reply# 11   1/4/2022 at 18:38 (1,133 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Sympathetic agitation in whirlpool belt drive washers

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This happens to more or less degree in all whirlpool belt drive machines new or old and doesn’t signal anything is wrong.


I’ve had many washers that do it and many that don’t it would never cause me the least concern.


It’s caused because the agitate gear is always moving on the agitator shaft when disengaged from the shaft.


John L

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