Thread Number: 89245  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Spider arm failure
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Post# 1138352   1/4/2022 at 06:25 (934 days old) by Calmore (Totton)        

I have a Samsung FL washing machine and the spider arm has failed.

It is showing signs of failure at the same point on all three arms, which coincidentally line up with the fill level of the machine.

It has mainly been used on cold eco washes.

As an experiment I set up four test tubes, each with a piece of aluminium foil in it and a stainless steel paper clip, to simulate the two different drum metals.

One I filled with tap water (cont)
One I filled with diluted washing liquid (liq)
One I filled with diluted washing powder (pow)
One I filled with diluted fabric conditioner (FC)

For about a week I rotated these daily, but before leaving for Christmas inverted all four tubes so the samples were completely submerged..

Cont shows slight signs of algae and a little tarnishing.

Liq shows no visible change

Pow shows signs of tarnishing

FC - I don't know what has happened here! Sone sort of reaction has taken place that has liberated gases forcing the liquid out of the tube and leaving a sludge behind!!

I'm going to re-run the tests and see what results I get but there's certainly been some sort of reaction in the fabric conditioner tube!

(Sadly, the forum won't accept my photo uploads)

Post# 1138354 , Reply# 1   1/4/2022 at 06:59 (934 days old) by Calmore (Totton)        

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Post# 1138357 , Reply# 2   1/4/2022 at 07:23 (934 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Spider Failures On FL Washers

combo52's profile picture

This topic has been discussed and analyzed at length and having worked on washing machines for over 50 years the one common denominator that allows the corrosion and breaking to occur is a gunky build-up on the metal parts caused by POOR washing practices.


If these parts were not covered with gunk that does not dry between uses of the machine they will never corrode and fail in the short period of time the machine is in use every week.


Cold Water


Too little and or cheap less effective detergents


Using real bleach or really hot water also really keeps parts clean and protects metal parts.


This problem has nothing to do with two different metals touching each other, usually the least corroded area of the spider is where the two different metals actually are bolted together.


You can easily upload pictures by joining the group for a donation of just $12 a year. 


Thanks for your input, John L.

Post# 1138382 , Reply# 3   1/4/2022 at 09:43 (934 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Cold water + softener is a killer.  Waxy softener residue never gets cleared off the machine's internal surfaces.

A 2011 Samsung I repaired in 2016.  Spider broke during spin, tore a gash in front of the tub.  It was infested with and reeked of softener, with drips of liquid detergent and softener around the dispenser drawer.

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Post# 1138416 , Reply# 4   1/4/2022 at 15:59 (934 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

mark_wpduet's profile picture
We've discussed this...One thing I've noticed over the years is that every video I've seen of a spider failure - the outer tub is covered in builds up over time with cold water washes....I've never once seen a spider failure video where they took the machine apart and the outer tub was clean....cold water washes are a bad idea...Well, I should say you can do cold water washes for some loads but you need periodic hot loads with good detergent.

Post# 1138464 , Reply# 5   1/5/2022 at 04:41 (933 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
Spider failures

Now, spiders are not unknown to fail over here, but even in the worst case machines, these fail after 5 years the earliest.

It is also very interesting that fabric softener does that, but detergent dosen't.

I'm kind of interested if our FS does the same over here or if US FS is just formulated somehow differently.

Post# 1138498 , Reply# 6   1/5/2022 at 11:25 (933 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
I clean my washer on the clean cycle as soon as or very soon

after the clean washer indicator lights up.
It's 31/2 hours, so I usually let it go through the first rinse.
Using too much dwtergent is abusive.

Post# 1138560 , Reply# 7   1/6/2022 at 00:02 (932 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

mark_wpduet's profile picture
Well, people need to figure out the right dosing for loads. Too little can be bad and too much is bad...There are so many factors really. Overloading....cold water, not enough or too much detergent, shutting the machine up when it's not in use. It's crazy to think about but there are a LOT of people out there who don't know how to do laundry....Just go to a friend or relative's house and stay over night...when you get up the next day and take a bath or shower and grab one of their towels and put it to your face and you almost gag....odds are their machine is nasty and they need to change their washing habits. - but you don't DARE say that to them.

Post# 1138574 , Reply# 8   1/6/2022 at 07:40 (932 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Over Using Detergent ????

combo52's profile picture

I have never seen a washing machine damaged by over use of detergent, yes it might over suds and leak or have trouble spinning, but it will not corrode internal parts.


Using a cleaning cycle on a washer is just stupid and unnecessary, if the machine is getting a little dirtier with every use your clothing is NOT getting clean, if you launder properly the machine will never need any internal cleaning.


My SQ FL washer is now over 16 years old and I have not so much as wiped off the door boot and it still looks and smells like a new washer.


John L.

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