Thread Number: 89276  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Safe electric intallation vs Bad electric installation.
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Post# 1138710   1/8/2022 at 06:52 (930 days old) by Fredriksam (Sweden)        

This is about laundry rooms but can applies to other rooms like kitchen and stuff. In wet areas the washing machines and driers should be installed in a safe electric m,anner. I have two examples of safe versus not safe so i will go through four pictures. What is the best and worst you,ve seen. Pictures are welcome.

First picture of right installed machines. We see the electric box on the wall. Only downside with this one is that the washing machine and drier seems to be on the same outlet. That can cause problems if one of the machines blow the fuse. So separate for each machine is better.

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Post# 1138711 , Reply# 1   1/8/2022 at 06:55 (930 days old) by Fredriksam (Sweden)        

Next picture is perfect. Here they have a separate knob for ecah machine. One plus is that you can turn off the power completely to both machines which is good.

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Post# 1138712 , Reply# 2   1/8/2022 at 06:59 (930 days old) by Fredriksam (Sweden)        

Then we move to unsafe/dangerous installations. In this first picture we can see they have used an extensuion cord for the machine and not proper installed. Also the water inlet seems to be a simple garden hose. No insurance company would pay back if something happened here.

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Post# 1138713 , Reply# 3   1/8/2022 at 07:04 (930 days old) by Fredriksam (Sweden)        

In last picture they also have used an extensuion cord which is not allowed in such rooms. It looks like the even used several ones too. The cord is very near the heater which might be made in metal. Not good at all. Also one thing is sticking up on the roof. See my red marking. I have no idea what it is. Could it be a kind of grounding or something. Doesnt look right anyway.

So whats the worst you,ve seen or have photo of?

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Post# 1138718 , Reply# 4   1/8/2022 at 09:23 (930 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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Electric outlets BELOW the plumbing connections...which do occasionally leak or over-flow.
Also not having the electric plug at a height that is readily available for someone to unplug the washer in an emergency.

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Post# 1138719 , Reply# 5   1/8/2022 at 09:24 (930 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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Not good. Just a constant drip from this wonderful install onto that plug strip would be cause for concern.

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This post was last edited 01/08/2022 at 09:50
Post# 1138725 , Reply# 6   1/8/2022 at 10:05 (930 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Not my pics, found elsewhere.

1 = Apparent gas supply connected to the WATER inlet of a steam dryer.

2 = Dryer exhaust.

3 = Multiple dryers exhausted.

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Post# 1139305 , Reply# 7   1/14/2022 at 08:31 (924 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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Quick question for everyone, when it comes to a vented dryer should there be multiple drivers venting into one large outlet or Separate dryers and separate venting?

Post# 1139326 , Reply# 8   1/14/2022 at 12:20 (924 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
Depends on setup

Large laundry installations like laundromats often have many dryers venting into one central venting system.

So it can be done.

The capacity just has to be large enough (so big enough diameter) and the pressures have to be adequate for vent length.

Further, before each port leading into the main duct, there usually has to be a back flow prevention device - so one of these flap things.
Otherwise if a dryer isn't running the air from other dryers won't vent outside but into that dryer.

In these higher end installations like laundromats there are often further things like active vent control where the dryer can actuate that backflow prevention flap electronically.
Some manufacturers - like Electrolux on their latest professional models - have variable speed fan motors that can ramp up if they detect higher back pressure. That saves energy if fewer dryers in a system run and allows more dryers to run on smaller vents in high demand situations.

Post# 1139338 , Reply# 9   1/14/2022 at 14:59 (924 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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