Thread Number: 89286  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Fisherpaykel dryer no heat DEGX1 matches GWL11 washer
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Post# 1138795   1/9/2022 at 01:07 (1,129 days old) by Fisherpaykel (BC Canada)        

Dryer serial EYN32719Z stopped heating both low heat and regular cycle. Checked YouTube and learned of both overheat reset button and potential lint clogging point around air flow path to the internal lint filter area. Followed video guidance and found about two cups of lint collected behind the interior exhaust grill, not sticky- we don't use fabric softener- luckily the filter screen was still in good condition. Took several attempts to reinstall filter cover grill since the lint scraper incorrect mounting looked correct to me for the first three or four attempts! Checked inside cabinet and rear outlet for lint, hardly any there but also took opportunity to get the leaf blower to blow out any lint in the duct to outside. Pushed the manual reset button, plugged power cord in, and to quote another poster's words, viola, we are back in full operation. Hopefully good for another ten or so years, maybe Glenn can pin down the exact age. Thanks Glenn!

Post# 1138820 , Reply# 1   1/9/2022 at 10:06 (1,129 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Serial EYN = 2005, Sept, NZ factory.  The last character likely is a 2, not Z.

That manual-reset protector is kinda nifty in that it 1) brings to attention that there's an overheat / airflow problem and 2) is resettable, doesn't require replacement.

You weren't getting any airflow restriction faults? -- beeping and Auto Sensing light flashing during operation?  (It does not abort the cycle, and is sensed via a different method than tripping of the resettable protector.)

You might get a spare filter while they're available.  They've become $$$.  And a lint scraper.

Post# 1138952 , Reply# 2   1/10/2022 at 20:18 (1,127 days old) by fisherpaykel (BC Canada)        
flashing light or beeping

No beeping. I was so focussed on is the dryer heating that on the subsequent regular and delicate drying attempts I just started it up and went away for 5 minutes for it hopefully to heat up and when I came back to check I just paused it to check for heat, there was none, and was oblivious to the indicator lights so I can't say if it was flashing or not. you are correct, last digit was a 2. Wow no kidding expensive, more than $100 on Ebay, now wondering about whether to get a spare tub bearing kit or just the bearing and from who. I sure want to keep this dryer working, the convenience of the top loading, auto lint collection bucket, and auto reverse tumbling just makes so much sense. I bought this dryer at the end of the aqua colour control panel run to match my earlier purchased washer so it may have a year or so less use than serial # indicates. I guess the washer will soon qualify for the vintage category! Only repair I replaced water pump few years ago, I did buy a spare as well.

Post# 1138994 , Reply# 3   1/11/2022 at 09:29 (1,127 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
There are after-market dryer bearing kits on Amazon and perhaps elsewhere that are of questionable quality, and they may not include all the same pieces as F&P kits.

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