Thread Number: 89316  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
More Miele WCR860 Drama
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Post# 1139107   1/12/2022 at 14:01 (1,103 days old) by stevefromsydney (London)        

Hi all,

Advice please. I've gifted the Miele WCR860 to my god daughter. She has just moved into her new house. It seems to of developed a very odd problem.

It switches on, starts a programme and completes it. It's either turned off by pressing the on/off touch button or turns off by itself after a few mins. It then will not turn back on again unless you either unplug it from the power supply ( annoying as its behind the machine) or turning the main socket power switch off to the kitchen and waiting a few mins. Once its plugged back in/ main power is switched back on it then turns back on after pressing the power touch button and goes on to complete another full program. Once turned off it will not turn back on again without repeating the unplug/mains power off and on again.

I've tried it in other sockets in the kitchen and using an extension cord from another room. It's not tripping the main circuit board and its really got me scratching my head.

My god daughter called Miele but they are not coming out for service for another 18 days!

Any suggestions?


Post# 1139122 , Reply# 1   1/12/2022 at 16:55 (1,103 days old) by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)        

My Miele w3831 requires the door to be opened to reset it after a cycle. I wonder if your door switch has failed, the contacts may be stuck so that it never detects that the door has been opened?

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