Thread Number: 89345  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
What Is Wrong With This Maytag VMW?
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Post# 1139493   1/16/2022 at 02:28 (1,056 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

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Saw this on Kirk's channel. I have to admit I'm a bit stumped as well. It appears that the tub is indexing on the second washer, motor is under extra load, but the splutch is not actuated into spin mode. Also, the problem seems to go away in diagnostic mode.

Can anyone diagnosis this or give a cause?

Post# 1139515 , Reply# 1   1/16/2022 at 11:48 (1,055 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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I’m not sure what they are thinking the problem is. Unless I missed something it looks like it’s working as designed. Motors can get pretty warm during operation and I’ve never had to replace a motor on any VMW machine. It doesn’t mean they don’t go out I’ve just never seen a bad one and I’ve worked on quite a few of these. I would definitely check the capacitor though as they get weak and that is a common repair on these. On the newer VMW machines they go though periods of slow and high agitation where the original ones did not do this. There is no tub brake so the wash basket does move with the agitation stroke.

Post# 1139531 , Reply# 2   1/16/2022 at 15:29 (1,055 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

The motor getting hot isn't unsurprising since every time it changes direction that apruptly, there will be a huge current spike.

But I am somewhat certain these motors have an overheat protection build in.
So as long as it doesn't abort a cycle with an error I wouldn't worry.

And I might be mistaken, but on VMWs, the transmission is a planetary gear set.

From what I understand from the bit of technical information about the gearing setup, and the bit I learned about that type of transmission in uni, keeping the agitator stationary with very little force seems reasonable.
All torque you put up will just mean more torque is directed into the tub.
The agitator is only connected indirectly to the drive at any time. It's basically connected to a seperate center gear to the input gear - same specs, just not physically connected to the input, only via the planetary gear set.

The tub is connected to the planetary gear carrier.
All torque goes through there.
Stopping the agitator by hand just means all torque is going to the tub.

Post# 1139538 , Reply# 3   1/16/2022 at 16:41 (1,055 days old) by murando531 (Augusta, Georgia - US)        

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You wouldn’t be able to stop the agitator by hand, trust me. Not without harming yourself. These VMW’s have incredible torque from their motor and planetary converter drive design, both the agitator and wash plate versions. If you could somehow hold the agitator still with a brace or something, I’m sure it would sheer the gears or slip/snap the belt before being able to oscillate the entire wash drum that rapidly.

I’m not sure either what’s supposed to be “wrong” in these videos. It looks and sounds to be operating just fine. The smoke was a big alarm at first until seeing in the comments that it’s from a cigar. Like, why would you not put that away while recording a video of something you’re supposed to be showing “malfunctioning”??

The tub gear *should* be spinning opposite of the main drive pulley, because the tub is what the planetary gear set is driving against. That’s why the entire outer tub assembly doesn’t violently yank back and forth, and is why it barely moved during the diagnostic cycle; the agitator has no clothes or water to work against. If there were a tub brake on these machines, the whole setup would twist like a GE plastic-fantastic from back in the day.

Post# 1139563 , Reply# 4   1/16/2022 at 23:44 (1,055 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

I can stop the agitator in my Maytag Centennial VMW washer-then it goes into a weird,sort of gentle mode.I can also stop the tub indexing-when I do so the agitation is MUCH better-and no clothes wrapping,tangling.But your hand gets tired holding it all that time.These machines could benefit from a tub brake.

Post# 1139568 , Reply# 5   1/17/2022 at 00:45 (1,055 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
As already said, the agitator on the second machine can be stopped by hand, the motor is hotter than on the other machine (he touched both motors), and the tub appears to be indexing with the agitator rather than staying fairly stationary like in the first machine. Plus there is a slight sound difference.

Post# 1139585 , Reply# 6   1/17/2022 at 07:28 (1,054 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Shot Motor!

I don't miss my VMV P.O.S. one iota! Terrible performer. Didn't always remove mild stains, or oders. It didn't rinse well. It didn't save water because I had to use either the perma-oress or deep wash cycles in order to get better results. If off balance, it often only spun slow.
Gearcase was repleaced under extended warrrant after 4 years. Dimes if not found in pockets would hide in between the agitator and basket and interupt the agitation sensor. After it was 9 years old, I couldn't remove the agitator to check if anything was there keeping it from agitating. It only made tiny strokes.
We got a Samsung front loader in July of 2019 and don't regret it.
I took a center puch and hammer to the console of the Bravos X though every button and Led light, as well as the encoder curcumfrance. I told the delivery guy's it was the worst.

Post# 1139685 , Reply# 7   1/18/2022 at 00:18 (1,054 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Someday for me my HORRIBLE VMW will get replaced with a Speed Queen.For me these have been the WORST washers I have used.

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