Thread Number: 89374  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Kitcheanaide/Whirlpool Washer Making Grinding Noise
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Post# 1139860   1/20/2022 at 11:17 (1,117 days old) by hemjs01 (Glenview)        

Please review my video:

It works great but makes this incredibly loud grinding noise. It also doesn't really agitate - I checked the dogs are in good shape.

It is a direct drive KAWS750LQ0 circa 2002.

I've torn the machine apart and check everything. I'm boiling it down to either a bad transmission or potentially a bad capacitor (although it has continuity so it's charging and discharging).

Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks


Post# 1139861 , Reply# 1   1/20/2022 at 11:21 (1,117 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture
Did you check the pump?

Post# 1139872 , Reply# 2   1/20/2022 at 12:14 (1,117 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Interesting that the noise occuring during spin doesn't begin until after the basket is accelerated to full speed.  The agitate shaft disengages during neutral drain and spin but the rest of the internal gears continue to oscillate with the same motions.  May be a problem with the cam on the agitate shaft.

Post# 1139882 , Reply# 3   1/20/2022 at 14:26 (1,117 days old) by hemjs01 (Glenview)        

When you say pump? I would assume you mean the white water pump attached to the motor. I did clean it out and it appears to be working because the water in the tub is draining properly.

Post# 1139894 , Reply# 4   1/20/2022 at 17:09 (1,117 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
It’s a bad transmission.

combo52's profile picture
I’ve heard the sound many times, it’s not shifting out of agitation completely when it’s spinning and so it’s literally grinding gears.

It cannot be a capacitor or water pump.

John L

Post# 1139908 , Reply# 5   1/20/2022 at 20:35 (1,117 days old) by Pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i wpuld suggest open the front of your washer and have it run at the final spin portion of the cycle to see if its not a lose belt or related to a motor problem i am not an expert

Post# 1139914 , Reply# 6   1/20/2022 at 21:41 (1,117 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Pierre, the machine of problem is a KitchenAid.  All KitchenAid toploaders are Whirlpool direct-drive design.  There is no belt.

Post# 1140000 , Reply# 7   1/21/2022 at 16:48 (1,116 days old) by hemjs01 (Glenview)        

Thanks John L. That's what I was thinking but I wanted to get another opinion. Took the agitator assembly out so that it was strictly motor, drum and transmission. And the result was still the same. The motor works fine and was quiet when operating independently. I doubt its the drum bearing otherwise it would make that noise all of the time. Therefore, I think it's time for a new washer......transmission is like $200 - too expensive t repair this 20 year old washer.

Post# 1140003 , Reply# 8   1/21/2022 at 17:42 (1,116 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Not if you want to have a better machine than anything new, other than perhaps Speed Queen.

A few (not all) of the transmission internal parts are available, depending on what's causing the problem ... if you feel up to opening it up for examination and possible repair.

Corecentric (a rebuilder) is offering refurbished transmissions on Amazon for $126 plus sales tax, free shipping.

A couple other sources are $144 and $151, both plus shipping and tax so that does put it upwards toward $200.

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