Thread Number: 89420
/ Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Why are Speed Queen Front Load Washers So Complex? |
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Post# 1140263   1/24/2022 at 17:40 (1,090 days old) by chetlaham (United States)   |   | |
Considering that Speed Queen bases its brand on no frill no nonesense washers, why does Speed Queen pack their front loaders with control boards, electronics and rotory dials? What purpose do they serve?
Why doesn't Speed Queen just use a 2/16 pole PSC motor with a 2 cycle 16 contact electro mechanical timer, pressure switch, heater and wax motor door lock? Control boards and electronics have been setting US front loaders back for decades and have been a bane for both users, techs and companies. They lead to Maytag's demise, and add unnecessary cost and dependability issues to modern front loads. Why is this not reality in 2022? >>> |
Post# 1140316 , Reply# 1   1/25/2022 at 10:39 (1,089 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)   |   | |
They are the simplest and easiest to service real full sized FL washer built today.
No stupid Wi-Fi, no reservoir dispenser systems, no lights or other unnecessary gadgets.
They only have 2 boards in them and are covered by a Full 5 Year P&L Warranty.
Chet, I don't understand your question at all, what is wrong ?
John L. |
Post# 1140333 , Reply# 2   1/25/2022 at 14:09 (1,089 days old) by chetlaham (United States)   |   | |