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Post# 1140329   1/25/2022 at 13:26 (1,112 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        

I'm in the market for a new dryer with steam option.
I had one a few years ago but drying alone took 90 minutes+ to dry a load of clothes,which was why I went back to a more basic model. I miss using the steam function on dress clothes and other items that only need refreshing not a complete wash / dry cycle. Or am I mistaken to think that there is a dryer out there that won't take so long to dry clothes when not using steam?
Thanks in advance

Post# 1140331 , Reply# 1   1/25/2022 at 14:02 (1,112 days old) by whatsername (Denver, CO)        

whatsername's profile picture

I'm very happy with the LG 4000 steam dryer, see related thread below, but it's hard to imagine any vented 240 volt or natural gas dryer taking > 90 minutes to dry unless there is a venting problem. Mine is 40 minutes or less every time unless it's towels which might be 50.


In our old house we had a similar LG which had the drawer for adding water for steam instead of the direct water line connection, both performed about the same, but the direct connection is more convenient for sure.

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Post# 1140338 , Reply# 2   1/25/2022 at 15:38 (1,112 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
I have a Maytag/Whirlpool

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This is the 5000 series w/steam that matches the Duet clone washer. Mine is electric and have been very happy with it. Drying times range depending on the size and weight of the load. A heavy load of towels may take 45-60 minutes. My dress shirts about 20-30 minutes. I really never pay that much attention to the time because they are sensor cycles and the time keeps changing throughout the cycle. So these are average time estimates.

Post# 1140349 , Reply# 3   1/25/2022 at 17:56 (1,112 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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I'm really beginning to enjoy my LG DLEX4200 bought last August. A "BobLoad" of towels only takes about 55 minutes. Casual/dress clothes take about 25-35 minutes on medium heat.

Post# 1140410 , Reply# 4   1/26/2022 at 11:52 (1,111 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        

Did you try the steam option on your new LG Dryer? Are you using only a certain cycle like Normal or Heavy Duty with the (more dry) option to get really good results?

Post# 1140427 , Reply# 5   1/26/2022 at 16:14 (1,111 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Roscoe, yes, I've used the steam option to refresh lightly worn items, especially light jackets and such. My personal experience using the Normal cycle have been mostly disappointing. In fact, I have only used the cycle a couple of times and Monday evening was the last straw. Early evening, I had washed a large load of sweats and sox (between 3/4 & 7/8 full) on Normal warm/hot, high spin. Since it was such a uniform load I decided to try one more time. Before I went to bed, I wanted to fold and put away that last load before I went to bed. I began pulling the load out of the dryer to put in the laundry basket and discovered there were several arms or legs of garments that had fairly damp areas still. I was pretty disappointed to say the least. Put the load on timed dry medium heat for 25 minutes. Yesterday I did 3 more loads--jeans and two other loads of sweats (1/2 to 2/3 full each). I washed and dried the jeans on the downloaded Denim cycle. When I started the dryer, it wouldn't allow me to adjust for degree of dryness. So I pushed start and time showed up as 35 minutes. There was no indication this as an auto sense cycle, but it turned out it was. The load ended up adding 11 minutes. When I pulled the jeans out, they were what I considered perfect. Nicely dried with just a slight hint of moisture on waistbands and seams. I dried the two loads of sweats on Denim and they came out perfect. Denim it seems is the equivalent of Perm Press with "more" dryness level. So now, my cycles I use are going to be towels (with more dryness level) and Denim. If I still was working and had all those clothes, I'd be using the default settings on Perm Press for those loads. The initial load of sweats dried on Norma took 48 minutes before the cycle finished. The two subsequent loads of sweats each took 38 minutes on Denim.

I've also used steam to refresh some bedding that had been stored for quite a while.

Post# 1140429 , Reply# 6   1/26/2022 at 16:48 (1,111 days old) by Roscoe62 (Canada)        

How is downloaded done? Where is the cycle found on LG website to download on machine?

Post# 1140432 , Reply# 7   1/26/2022 at 17:27 (1,111 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
You have to create a profile on LG web site. Then register your product. You download their app and register your product then too. You can receive a notice when cycle is complete if you so choose.

Post# 1140434 , Reply# 8   1/26/2022 at 18:00 (1,111 days old) by Roscoe62 (Canada)        
Thanks Appnut

I had an LG set 4 years ago, it was 4years old and traded it on something newer that was a nightmare. The LG's had download on it but it was for your favorite cycle from the machine you did the download. I really liked the perm press cycles for work clothes, easy laundry days with it and a lot less ironing.
Did you try the bedding cycle for sheets or just use towels more dry to avoid tangling?

Post# 1140449 , Reply# 9   1/26/2022 at 22:39 (1,111 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
There's a variety of downloadable cycles and can change the selection to fit a specific need. Thus far, I've washed sheets on perm press. I've got two sets of flannel sheets to wash this weekend, I may do both of them on towels since I've not used that cycle yet. I'll probably dry them on bedding to make sure they dry completely. Thus far I've not used towels for anything other than towels since it uses medium high heat.

Post# 1140453 , Reply# 10   1/27/2022 at 00:22 (1,111 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

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We have the LG DLEX8110V dryer for a couple a years now and we've used the steam feature I think a few times already. We're very pleased with it! I think it does just as good if not better than the handheld steamers that we've used over the years but of course it cannot fully replace our steam iron.

Post# 1140503 , Reply# 11   1/27/2022 at 15:40 (1,110 days old) by Egress (Oregon)        

we love our LG steam dryer. works wonders to freshen up sheets and will release wrinkles decently (doesn't replace an iron, but certainly lessens the job and in some cases, eliminates it entirely). I've found the normal cycle on it does a decent job but in certain circumstances (jeans, other dense fabric and either large or very small load size) it struggles and often finishes the cycle before everything is dry. usually 20 or so minutes of medium heat timed dry fixes that.

Post# 1140504 , Reply# 12   1/27/2022 at 15:45 (1,110 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Marco, I've found that for heavier items or larger loads for Perm Press and Towels cycles, selecting the More dryness level just above Normal dryness level resolves the issue of finishing prematurely. And my laundry loads are generally 2/3 to 3/4 full of of the washer. I'm also discovering for whatever reason, fabrics are emerging from the dryer softer than all my previous dryers.

Post# 1140517 , Reply# 13   1/27/2022 at 19:54 (1,110 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

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The thing that LG dryers that are equipped with the Steam function is that they actually heat the water to create steam. The Whirlpool and my Electrolux dryers would just use a fine spray nozzle to shoot water on the load in the drum spraying cold water and then turning the heater on to dry the load. The LG’s use a combo of steam and heat and they do a rather good job. LG dryers are constantly rated well and they provide excellent fabric care. I use the Normal cycle for everything since it uses AI and I never have issues with overdrying a load. The thing is….there is supposed to be just a hint of moisture left in some items and they will finish drying naturally. That way there is less shrinkage and it lends to a load that is softer and fluffier…that is my experience with my LG 4000 series dryer. Your mileage may vary…

Post# 1140568 , Reply# 14   1/28/2022 at 14:15 (1,109 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        
My older LG Dryer

did the same thing, it sprayed water in the drum from a cartridge you filled with water like the dispenser drawer on the washer. In the newer LG dryer the video shows the actual steam sprayed into the drum. I have no idea if Whirlpool or any other brand has done the same, but it is a convenient feature.
Appnut you're finding your clothes more softer coming out of your new LG dryer, would the washer have anything to do with better rinsing as well?
I'm finding my Whirlpool washer that is so problematic now for only a year old doesn't put any amount of water in the first rinse on any cycle on the machine and most times won't go into a full spin after the wash cycle, leaving me to do a manual rinse and spin once the machine finishes the cycle. This was before it decided to die mid cycle one day last month,while waiting on parts, couple with bad weather, since Dec.10/21. So far 2 control boards, a pressure switch and a door lock assembly, and another one in que to replace the one installed in Nov/21.

Post# 1140574 , Reply# 15   1/28/2022 at 15:03 (1,109 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Roscoe, I will give some of the softer fabrics out of the dryer due to the new washer's rinsing. But, I will also admit I was noticing this phenomenon when I still had the Duet from August to end of October,

Post# 1140577 , Reply# 16   1/28/2022 at 16:22 (1,109 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        

I have a 4370. I dry everything on low setting, most loads dry in about 30 minutes. Occasionally I’ll use antibacterial, sanitary and towels cycle. The sanitary cycle uses steam as well- those I will use for pillows that don’t need washing or stuff animals.
I have used the steam setting for touch up/refresh cycles and I feel it does a really good job.
I am surprised your older one took 90 minutes to dry

Post# 1140578 , Reply# 17   1/28/2022 at 17:03 (1,109 days old) by Roscoe62 (Canada)        

Long dry times could have been the dryer being a propane dryer. I bought it new, and it was considered an energy efficient dryer. The venting was fine. I did 2 loads in it same size and weight with the venting altered because the tech man thought it was being blocked. No difference in time, and when I replaced it with a whirlpool basic dryer, same vent everything dried just fine. I use low heat setting and most loads are 40-60 (max) min.drying. Something was seriously wrong with the that other dryer but no body could fix it, any more than Elux would replace it.

Post# 1142349 , Reply# 18   2/16/2022 at 08:19 (1,090 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        
Nmassman44 / Appnut

Does your LG Dryer connect for steam come from the cold or hot tap?

Post# 1142351 , Reply# 19   2/16/2022 at 08:55 (1,090 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Cold tap.

Post# 1142352 , Reply# 20   2/16/2022 at 09:01 (1,090 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
cold water tap. I have the same set as Bob.

Post# 1142570 , Reply# 21   2/19/2022 at 08:35 (1,087 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        
Appnut / Powerfin64

One more question regarding the water fill, does it have a water restrictor in it, like my older LG washer had,if so did you remove it or no? Thanks in advance :)

Post# 1142573 , Reply# 22   2/19/2022 at 08:55 (1,087 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Seems a bad idea to remove a flow restrictor from a steam dryer's inlet valve.  Dryers shouldn't quite exactly "fill" with a lot of water.

Post# 1142574 , Reply# 23   2/19/2022 at 09:03 (1,087 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

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most likely it does have one, no I didn't remove it, no need to do so.

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