Thread Number: 89464  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele seal not flush
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Post# 1140687   1/30/2022 at 09:17 (1,040 days old) by Mielelover206 (england)        

Have replaced drum spider on my Miele 3922

However I noticed the seal is too wide on the bottom and very (too) tight against the drum causing the drum to 'squeal' when rotating....

How can I re fit it to make it level all around?

pictures should be ok!!

Thanks in advance!

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Post# 1140707 , Reply# 1   1/30/2022 at 14:53 (1,040 days old) by Brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

I’ve had a few 3000 series machines with that problem. Miele rebuilt my original one, but it failed again within a couple of weeks after just replacing the seal and bearing, they ended up having to replace the spider and back plate as well. 10 years later, it’s still going. That generation seems to have a weakness in the design of the bearing/seal and the backplate. I have three others in storage where the drum rubs on the boot.

There is no adjustment when fitting the boot, so if it’s rubbing on inner drum, you’ll have to pull it out and refit the seal and bearing again. Be aware though, that it make take more than the seal and bearing to permanently fix it.

Post# 1140757 , Reply# 2   1/31/2022 at 03:36 (1,039 days old) by Mielelover206 (england)        

OK , shame as it was great condition (with broken spider) then mended it and now its rubbing on the seal...confusing as it was ok , just had a banging spin but seal was perfect now i have put it back on?

So take the whole thing out and refit the back cast iron spider & front with seal?....

This is my first but not last to do :/

Really hoping this wont happen on my w5872....

also - dy recommend those non genuine stainless steel spiders?


Many many thanks !!

Post# 1140764 , Reply# 3   1/31/2022 at 07:49 (1,039 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
SS Miele Spider

combo52's profile picture

You should try the after market SS spider, it might solve this other wise difficult problem with your washer.


John L.

Post# 1141992 , Reply# 4   2/12/2022 at 17:49 (1,027 days old) by richnz (New Zealand)        
I have replaced a spider

I replaced a corroded aluminum alloy one with an iron one and it poked out too.

It came from a w800 and went into a w460.
Due to the seal design of the w460, I decided to scrap it as the drum approached a very thin section of the seal.

I also replaced a corroded aluminum alloy spider in a PW5062 with an aluminum alloy spider from a W377.
That worked well. Slight rubbing to begin but it soon sorted itself out.

You have to turn the nut that holds the dum pulley on hard. The spindle has to be fully drawn through.

This style of seal is superior in that there is a lip (In front of the drum) that can be worn but it won't cause a leak.

A couple of spin cycles without laundry could create enough clearance.

That was my experience.


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