Thread Number: 89469  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
LG Dishwasher Question
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Post# 1140731   1/30/2022 at 19:21 (908 days old) by quincyman (Oldsmar, FL)        

I have a question regarding cycles on my 9 mo old LG Dishwasher. There is a NORMAL CYCLE, HEAVY CYCLE, DELICICATE CYCLE, AUTO CYCLE and TURBO CYCLE. I prefer using the AUTO cycle as it seems to wash/rinse the dishes before doing a main wash, heats the water, is effective and everthing is dried nicely. But have used the Normal and TURBO cycles.
My question is: What is the TURBO CYCLE? And why is it needed or a choice?
Thanks ahead for any and all responses.

Post# 1140734 , Reply# 1   1/30/2022 at 20:31 (907 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
I have an LG dishwasher as well and I do use the Turbo Cycle only to wash my cats water fountain thru when I need it fast. Turbo cycle ramps the power of the wash pump to the max and does use more water per fill. The dishwasher is much louder in this cycle in my opinion. I dont use it for large everyday loads and stuff that has baked on stuff but it will do the job.It also does not have a dry portion of the cycle but it will run the fan at the end of the cycle. Hard dishwasher tabs like Finish wont have enough time to dissolve in the wash portion of the cycle so powdered detergent should be used.
You could be adventurous and try it and see what you think. Also pressing the High Temp water temp will extend the cycle a bit. My LG dishwasher is LDF5678....also I rarely if ever use Auto since I find that it does take longer...most of the time I use Normal or Heavy and with the High Temp option added. Both cycles will use the Sensor system and add or subtract rinses as needed.

Post# 1140735 , Reply# 2   1/30/2022 at 20:45 (907 days old) by quincyman (Oldsmar, FL)        

I have used the Turbo Cycle with the high temp and the first time I discovered it didn't dry the dishes. The next time I used it, I chose high temp AND the extra dry button. Did okay then.
I was mainly using the normal cycle the first few months and then switched to the auto-cycle. Don't know why, but it seems to be the one I have been using regularly since. Always have the high-temp and extra dry selected. Never used the Heavy Cycle.
Living in Florida, our plumbing runs through the cement under the floors so the water cools off fast and I like the dishes washed and rinsed in hot water.
My model is the LDF554 or LDFN464. Not sure which, just looking at the owners manuel. And thanks for the info.

Post# 1142569 , Reply# 3   2/19/2022 at 07:55 (888 days old) by Rodro2006 (Mexico)        
Turbo Cycle

Hi quincyman

I’ve been used this turbo cycle for almost 2 years since the pandemic starts, because of the reduce time of washing and spending energy, because everything raise, so I decided to used because of the 1:27 time that remains the cycle, and it has been fantastic, I also programmed with dual zone, high temp Wash and night dry and every thing comes perfectly washed and not spending so much energy until last week.

I just put solar energy and get back to the normal cycle, dual zone, steam, high temp and night dry but the time increase from 1:27 to 3:15 hours, so quite difference but in performance I also love turbo wash

A send u pics of how the load’s begins and how they finish

Good look and give it a try

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Post# 1142571 , Reply# 4   2/19/2022 at 08:43 (888 days old) by quincyman (Oldsmar, FL)        
Thank you Rodro 2006

Thanks for the share. I feel like I am starting from scratch when it comes to the new machines. Still can't wrap my head around dishwashers needing to run for 3 hours. I always use the High-Temp option along with Extra-dry no matter what cycle I choose. Definitely miss the Kitchen Aid dishwashers of my youth. 65 to 70 minutes and the dishes were washed, rinsed, sanitized and dried. PERIOD. Alas, those days are gone.
By the way, you put your coffee filter in the DW? Doesn't ruin the Gold on the screen?

Post# 1142572 , Reply# 5   2/19/2022 at 08:53 (888 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Rodrigo, that's a nicely packed-in load of dishware.

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