Thread Number: 89581  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
30 inch height dishwasher
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Post# 1141779   2/9/2022 at 22:35 (998 days old) by Plecorich (TUMWATER)        

I am looking to replace our current built in dishwasher witg a new dishwasher (preferably stainless) with a maximum height of 30 inch. I can't find any models that are less than 33 inches though. Any recommendations?

Post# 1141780 , Reply# 1   2/9/2022 at 22:41 (998 days old) by petek (Ontari ari ari O )        

petek's profile picture
What make/model of dishwasher do you have now?

Post# 1141784 , Reply# 2   2/9/2022 at 23:04 (997 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

30 inches seems like an odd countertop height, far to low...
Sure you measured corectly? What's the installation situation?
Cause I can't really remeber that ever being a normal height for DWs.

There are a few EU brand DWs that only are 32", but that's still to high for your usecase.
However, a single Fisher&Paykel DishDrawer would fit with a lot of room to spare - so you'd probably have to rig up some support structure from 2 by 4s or so...

Depending on situation, again can't say for sure, maybe one of these under the sink DW might fit? It's 34" high at the front, but the back bit isn't quite as tall.
Only the front 3 1/2 inches would be too tall for your request, the rest would fit.
Or, ask a kitchen contractor or so if the space could be re-done easily or if any of the above solutions can be made to work if you aren't handy enough for the job...

Post# 1141811 , Reply# 3   2/10/2022 at 08:23 (997 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Shorter built-in dishwasher

combo52's profile picture

There are at least a half dozen brands of dishwashers available in the US that are designed to be under a 32 inch high countertop that are only about 30 inches high these are called the ADA models Americans for disabilities, machines.


Nearly all of these come from a Chinese company they’re not the greatest dishwashers but if you have to have a shorter one they are the only things that will fill the bill.


We see a lot of them in office buildings and so forth but are made to accommodate people in wheelchair Heights


The GE model in reply number 2 of course is the same 34 1/2 inch height at the front and does not probably help with your trying to do


John L

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