Thread Number: 89658  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Difference Between Speed Queen Classic Heavy Duty & Bulky/Sheet Cycles
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Post# 1142602   2/19/2022 at 15:43 (888 days old) by Suebee (Chelsea, MI)        

I have a fairly new Speed Queen Classic TCS5003 WN washing machine. I read the manual and searched on this forum and I still don't really understand what the actual difference is between the "heavy duty" and the "bulky/sheet" cycles. I know what they are MEANT for but what is the actual difference in how the machine operates? Since I live on a small farm, I don't use the "Normal/Eco" setting but rather use the "heavy duty" most of the time. The installer recommended our using the "heavy duty" setting.

Appreciate your help.

Post# 1142605 , Reply# 1   2/19/2022 at 16:05 (888 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Bulky/Sheets has gentle agitation. Spin speed is high speed. Heavy Duty is high speed agitation and spin.

Post# 1142771 , Reply# 2   2/22/2022 at 01:45 (885 days old) by Grebus (Edmonds, WA)        

I created a corrected cycle matrix for the TC5 that you might find useful, here is the link:


Post# 1143192 , Reply# 3   2/26/2022 at 13:26 (881 days old) by Suebee (Chelsea, MI)        

Thanks so much for your chart. That is very helpful. Why do none of the cycles use a higher speed spin? Often with bulky things, I run the spin cycle after the wash cycle is finished. My other question is about the fill level. Does the washer "know" how much water to put in based on the weight of the items in the washer or does it just fill the same no matter what? I'd like to know when I need to use the deep fill option. Really appreciate your advice!

Post# 1143219 , Reply# 4   2/26/2022 at 16:02 (881 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The TC5/Classic does not have auto sensing for the load size or fill level.

Fills are hard-coded at two levels, per the chosen cycle and whether or not the Deep Fill option is selected.  The cycle matrix chart references the fill levels by gallons and inches of depth.  The figures are for each fill, not the entire cycle, so double it for a filled/agitated rinse and add a bit for spin-spray rinses.

Normal Eco -- 9in/13gals or 11in/16gals (runs only a spin-spray rinse unless Extra Rinse option is selected)

Heavy Duty, Perm Press, and Delicate -- 10in/14.5gals or 13in/19gals

Bulky/Sheets -- 11in/16gals or 13in/19gals

The least amount of water possible (for a small load or single item) is 13 gals + the spin sprays, on Normal Eco cycle with no extra rinse or Deep fill option selected.

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Post# 1143344 , Reply# 5   2/27/2022 at 20:08 (880 days old) by Suebee (Chelsea, MI)        

Thanks so much for your helpful reply.

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