Thread Number: 89777  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
LG to launch dishwashers in Germany this year
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Post# 1143935   3/7/2022 at 07:53 (1,047 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Found several recent articles mentioning DWs with steam and QuadWash to be launched here in Germany.

I'm really looking forward to how these will get reviewed and how they perform.

From what the article reads like they might finally be an US design makeing it here.
Am envious of your tall tub machines.

No mention yet when and which models.
Just that they will together with some new fridge stuff and some vaccums or so...

Post# 1143941 , Reply# 1   3/7/2022 at 09:49 (1,047 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
Would that be a launch or a re-launch? I seem to remember that LG dishwashers were sold here before(?)

Post# 1143942 , Reply# 2   3/7/2022 at 10:17 (1,047 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

One model before I could find any info on, and the UK had them for quite a bit longer.

But they certainly won't be very well known at first.

Post# 1143950 , Reply# 3   3/7/2022 at 13:12 (1,047 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
I found a QuadWash model on Amazon where the website claims that it's been listed since 2019. Another model - found through Google - says listed since 2011.

We'll see.

Post# 1144189 , Reply# 4   3/9/2022 at 19:47 (1,045 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

I wish LG and Samsung would just stick to making TVs and computers and stuff in that category….we have enough junk being sold on the market as is. It’s so sad to see the decline in quality and reliability in appliances since about 2010.

Post# 1144205 , Reply# 5   3/10/2022 at 02:18 (1,044 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
I see the new dishwashers on LG's French website along with the WashTower.

Post# 1144209 , Reply# 6   3/10/2022 at 05:50 (1,044 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
The French LG dishwashers:

Post# 1144217 , Reply# 7   3/10/2022 at 08:00 (1,044 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
Found a manual

For the DW and it seems quite decent.
Though usage can be high (Intensive checks in at North of 20l) it can be quite moderate on other cycles (Auto is listed as around 12l and below 1kWh even though it says it washes at 65C or higher with a 62C final rinse with auto open activated).

The wash tower though is interesting.
Samsung recently listed their US clone washer here in Germany, but not the dryer that is listed in France as matching to the washer.

LGs wash tower is using a similar size heat pump dryer.
I red in the same article about that, but didn't think they'd manage to get a vented dryer on the market due to the power requirements. Also didn't think they'd be abled to fit a heat pump system in the same appliance. But they did!

It uses LGs dual inverter system (variable speed motor plus variable speed compressor).
Drying times are in line with their normal heat pump dryers leading me to believe they just chugged their normal heat pump in there.
Though it is ever so slightly faster on a full 16kg load than the Samsung version launched in France.
Half a load (8kg) is in the midrange compared to other small A+++ dryers time wise.

With EcoHybrid dry times could be very reasonable on the speed setting sacrificing energy efficiency somewhat (though not terribly).

The washer claims to do 8kg in as little as 29min.
The pics on the frech website display a hot fill port, so that makes that somewhat credible.

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