Thread Number: 89795  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
whirlpool vs. bosch
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Post# 1144214   3/10/2022 at 07:03 (869 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Hey all, do any of you know if whirlpool borrowed some of their technology from bosch when coming up with the point voyager design or use their own? They sound identical when their pumps run. Please elaborate. Thank you.

Post# 1144216 , Reply# 1   3/10/2022 at 07:47 (869 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Whirlpool versus Bosch dishwashers

combo52's profile picture
The whirlpool point voyager system came out around 2000, if you compare whirlpool point voyager and Bosch dishwashers at that time. There’s about zero in common between the two, the Bosch dishwashers were much smaller inside had entirely different wash system no heating element they don’t sound like they don’t service like the only thing they have in common is there both dishwashers lol

John L

Post# 1144230 , Reply# 2   3/10/2022 at 10:33 (869 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
whirlpool and bosch

I was curious about the 2 for quite sometime. Their wash pumps do sound similar to each other.

Post# 1144232 , Reply# 3   3/10/2022 at 10:57 (869 days old) by Egress (Oregon)        

Bosch's wash pumps have been 3 phase variable speed for a long time. as far as I know, the point voyager platform including the newer maytag variants have always been single speed motors, whereas the kitchenaids/maybe higher end whirlpools with the global wash system/resource saver/tahoe platform have had either fixed or variable speed wash and drain motors. I took apart my aunts KA diswasher from about 2015 a few weeks ago to swap the sump assembly out of her other identical one because the door was warped and wouldn't shut fully. the pump was not nearly as small as some people on here have described, and certainly seemed powerful. it was definitely smaller than my Point voyager based KA, but since it is a variable speed motor, more power is available due to the efficiency brought by the 3ph construction. The tahoe wash system shares the most in common with bosch dishwashers, but the new platform seems to have gone back to single speed motors, presumably because the filter design requires fast speeds to perform as expected. I am not sure if they have eliminated variable speed pumps entirely, the drain pumps might still be variable speed, but the wash pumps at least on the KA/Maytag offerings are single speed. I know the whirlpool and Jennair ones have a filter based system still, so I wonder if those have/will have variable speed pumps? or maybe whirlpool has moved away from the variable speed pumps entirely.

Post# 1144234 , Reply# 4   3/10/2022 at 12:43 (869 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        
I’m sure you mean global wash system

Voyager system sounded more like powerclean to me- only quieter and weaker.
I had a kitchen aid global wash system before I installed the Bosch a year ago. While I believe they are similar, I haven’t taken apart an old Bosch or fix one to know the differences. I was told that Bosch flow through heater is built in the wash pump. So when the heater goes out, you have to replace the wash pump. Correct me if I’m wrong. Where whirlpool still uses a heating element that is exposed.
One thing I noticed between the kitchen aid and Bosch. The kitchen aid sounded more like a motor humming noise more so than Bosch, Bosch, I hear water swishing around more than I hear the motor humming. My Bosch hands down cleans better than kitchen Aid did.

Post# 1144239 , Reply# 5   3/10/2022 at 13:15 (869 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
bosch sounds

Here's a video of the bosch dishwasher running.


Post# 1144240 , Reply# 6   3/10/2022 at 13:17 (869 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
whirlpool dishwasher

Here's one of the whirlpool.


Post# 1144241 , Reply# 7   3/10/2022 at 14:00 (869 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

I think most of that is recording, I don't think they sound much alike.

Most these videos tell me is that a dishwasher more or less sounds like a dishwasher.

Post# 1144245 , Reply# 8   3/10/2022 at 14:29 (869 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
wash pumps

I've listened closely to their wash pumps and they sound very similar with the bosch having a slightly lower pitch than the whirlpool.

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