Thread Number: 89810  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Newer Maytag dishwasher MDB4949SHZ installed
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Post# 1144448   3/13/2022 at 12:36 (1,065 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

Hello all wanted to write a quick update, it has been installed. I had zero idea this dishwasher has the HP of a powerclean, 1/3, and it is very powerful. You’ll be sprayed if you open the door when it’s pumping, was shocked by that as these new units really don’t have much power anymore but this machine certainly can clean, it took baked cheese off no issue and cleaned a full load of disgusting soiled dishware, I did clean the strainers and filter in the sump it wasn’t too bad for being 19 months old, but it runs very well and I’ve never heard a dishwasher with good power that runs all arms at once be this quiet, it’s insane how they do it. It’s been ran thru three cycles, rinse only then the normal with every option on to confirm they perform correctly and all was a success. I really love this machine as it’s probably one of the last better built Whirlpool made Maytags, and it’s just like our point voyager really. This was a great deal for a machine that costed nearly a grand two years ago, and there’s not one scratch or imperfection on it. We love it and are very happy with it, to anyone looking for something modern that still has the best cleaning capacity I’d recommend this model. On the normal it filled 3 times and that was with the HI TEMP plus sanitize on with the cascade cleaner in it after cleansing the filtration strainers, which was so easy and only took a few minutes to take apart and put back together so that’s a huge plus for me. So far, I am in love with it and so is my family and I just hope it lasts longer than the point voyager did for us. Anyways, happy dishwashing all and thanks for reading!!

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Post# 1144489 , Reply# 1   3/13/2022 at 23:32 (1,065 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Can you take a video of it running and post it on YT? It would be a good idea to hear how it runs, both empty and full.

Post# 1144525 , Reply# 2   3/14/2022 at 17:07 (1,064 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

Yes I already posted one, it was the first full run empty with the lower access plate off. It’s almost silent with that plate on and with dishes inside. This motor is very interesting, it doesn’t pause before draining, it’ll call for the drain as it’s recirculating still and once it begins to surge because air is coming in due to most of the water being discharged, the motor will shut off and pulse on off 3-5 times to fully discharge the rest of the remaining water. It is a very quick drain and refill because it doesn’t use much water. This is probably the best cleaning low water usage dishwasher I’ve seen, it’s very Bosch like.


Post# 1144543 , Reply# 3   3/14/2022 at 22:38 (1,064 days old) by Cam2s (Nebraska)        

Yes you see not all newer dishwashers are bad. I had an 1st series KitchenAid point voyager and while it wasn’t the best in the world, it certainly wasn’t the worst. Glad to see they improved it over the years. I don’t how closely related these Maytag’s are to the original point voyager design but they used a 1.8 gal fill as opposed to the Power Cleans 2.2. The drain sequence sounds familiar, the point of this was to empty the soil collection chamber. There was a flap in the sump, and while the main circulation pump kept is closed and the drain pump would empty the soil collection chamber. Then when the circulation pump shut off the flap would open and drain the rest of the sump. Because of this, the original Voyagers would periodically purge the soil chamber during circulation periods instead of draining the entire sump. Instead of an optical sensor, there was a pressure sensor attached to the outlet of the soil chamber. When enough soil collected in it there would be enough back pressure to trip the sensor. The drain pump would activate for 5 seconds and the fill valve for 10 seconds to replenish the charge or water. The machine would alter the cycle based on the amount of purges that was necessary. Does your Maytag still have these APF purges?

As far as quietness is concerned it is amazing what engineers can do. While I love the raw power of my Ultra Wash, my Bosch could clean just as well and did so in silence. Just the soft pitter patter of water against the door when it was loaded up full.

Post# 1144544 , Reply# 4   3/14/2022 at 22:58 (1,064 days old) by Egress (Oregon)        

the point voyagers (or at the very least my point voyager) Use both a pressure sensor and a optical sensor. Taking mine apart you can immediately see the optical sensor, but IDK where the pressure sensor is, it might just be hidden deeper within. The point voyager certainly isn't the best, but it certainly has its shortcomings. the sump is easily plugged with seeds or other large chunks of material, and ours never managed to quite get glasses clean, often leaving powdered food residue behind. the APF purges were certainly noticeable, as I'd often find the sink full of mucky water if we hadn't run the garbage disposal in a while. the dishwasher of course ran happily on, oblivious to the overflow.

Post# 1144625 , Reply# 5   3/15/2022 at 19:41 (1,063 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

I’m honestly not sure, I know it definitely has two pumps, one for the draining and another for the wash pump of course, but yes it drains very similarly to the point voyager we just had which was that Maytag jetclean. The difference as I previously noted is this, this new Maytag does NOT pause before each drain, when the sensor and cycle calls for the drain it does immediately while it’s recirculating, once most of the water is out, the motor will turn off, back on, off again, and back on to purge the rest of the water out into the discharge hose instead of running it constantly for a minute or two, it drains VERY quickly, and refills just as quick being that is uses a very low amount of water but still enough to reach every nook and cranny of the tub, this machine doesn’t surge at all the motor runs very smoothly. It’ll surge as it begins draining of course, and then as I said it’ll stop and go back on to fully drain a few times. Yes I’m the same way I love the raw power of the PowerCleans, like mine at my apartment which is a portable. But I was just shocked to see this machine is an actual boss, and isn’t some piece of crap off the market. It’s true to its name, “Most Powerful Motor on the Market”.

Does anybody know, has there EVER been an American made dishwasher that has had a 1/3 horse motor since the powercleans? What was the HP on the Point Voyagers cause I certainly could tell it was very close to that and was a powerful machine. Like I mentioned before we got it I had zero idea this beast had a 1/3 horse, it was just jaw dropping. When they said most powerful motor, I thought it was probably much less than 1/3 horses. This new dishwasher we have is truly the last of the good WP Maytags built, runs everything at once and is very mighty, also this machine doesn’t run any longer than our old jetclean. 2 hours normally on any cycle, we just use it on auto and sanitize and let it flash dry after the cycle is over.

Can’t remember if I mentioned it for those who aren’t familiar with the 2015-2021 Maytag dishwasher Generation, this model will fill halfway and then it will start pumping, it surges with airflow until it’s fully filled and pressurized which is only a few seconds long until it’s fully filled from the motor starting, It’s amazing sounding, not sure why they programmed them like that but it’s interesting. So far we absolutely love it and has been the best dishwasher our house has ever seen. I am so happy I went with this model, as when I first seen it listed it was posted 25 minutes ago and we immediately inquired and took action and we were blessed with it.

Post# 1144628 , Reply# 6   3/15/2022 at 20:32 (1,063 days old) by Cam2s (Nebraska)        

I do believe the real Maytag Jetcleans had a 1/3 hp motor. I don’t know the exact time line, but the true Jetwash module had a quite a long time line, with some modifications along the way. The original design had the figure 8 Strainer and a direct drive motor, followed the the belt drive models, then we went back to the direct motor. Around the same time they moved to the plastic tub and a more standard racking configuration. They all had the micro mesh filter which was cleaned by a backwash arm. They were produced into the late 90s/early 2000s, until the sale of Maytag to Whirlpool anyways.

Post# 1144639 , Reply# 7   3/15/2022 at 21:57 (1,063 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

Yes Cam, those units were very powerful like the powercleans. I was wondering what size motor the point voyager series had, meaning your model that you have which is the Jetclean Plus point voyager series. I’m pretty sure it has a 1/3 motor not sure though but I always thought ours was pretty powerful and it always cleaned well, since we got rid of our old one of course I did steal the upper arm out of it for my 2005 portable powerclean, as the smaller jets and double underside jets create better propulsion and I’m sure better silverware basket results as I’ve been having a lot of issues with silverware in this machine as the original white arm had only one jet on the underside.

Post# 1144640 , Reply# 8   3/15/2022 at 22:00 (1,063 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        
Never mind my last message Cam…

I’m sorry I think I confused you with another member who has a 2014 ish Maytag jetclean.

Post# 1144651 , Reply# 9   3/16/2022 at 04:06 (1,062 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

askolover's profile picture

I can say my 96/97 Maytag has a 1/3hp motor in it.  It would actually out clean my KUDI 23 with a 1/2 hp motor.

Post# 1144673 , Reply# 10   3/16/2022 at 11:12 (1,062 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Dishwasher main motor horsepower

combo52's profile picture

Hi Dan glad you’re enjoying this dishwasher we sold 100 or two of these and people generally really liked them.


The horsepower on your Maytag is less than 1/5 of a horsepower I’ll send a picture of the tag on it.


The horsepower on the point voyager whirlpool dishwashers varied from 1/5 hp to about 1/4 hp they use different makers for the motors.


Most all Maytags with vertical shaft motors were 1/3 hp as were all whirlpool vertical shaft motors in the power cleans.


I think only KitchenAid ever claimed to have 1/2 hp.


John L.

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