Thread Number: 89811  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
2007 Kenmore Laundry Brochure
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Post# 1144465   3/13/2022 at 16:18 (966 days old) by norgechef (Saint George New Brunswick )        

These are machines from the 2007-2010/11 Kenmore laundry line-up, before the belt drive VMW's came on the scene. The brochure was posted in late 2006 for the 2007 model year. This is back when Sears still used Whirlpool almost exclusively to produce their Kenmore laundry appliances, with the exception of Frigidaire for some basic front loaders and stacked top-load units.

At the time the WP/KM Calypso had just been discontinued, and Whirlpool Cabrio, Kenmore Oasis and Maytag Bravos style wash-plate models had made there debut. It was also the time the newer updated versions of the WP/KM HE Front Loaders were released. This would be the HE5_ series. Lower end/smaller capacity front load models being HE2+. And Duet/Duet Sport (same as Kenmore HE2_) branded Whirlpool.

I have a black/slate? color Kenmore HE5T set (Made April 2007) and have to say I love the performance overall, and it is still stylish for today. The dryer seems to be rather slow and the washer can take a while to balance out on large loads, but very reliable and better than a lot of front loaders on the market today IMO I must say. The washer still has all original parts and the dryer has had the drum rollers and idler pulley replaced but that's it.

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Post# 1144467 , Reply# 1   3/13/2022 at 16:25 (966 days old) by fan-of-fans (Florida)        

Wow, thanks for posting this.

I don't think I've ever seen those storage towers or seamless work surfaces around. I did see a white storage tower in an ad for the Maytag Centennial set. I like the idea of both though, and it would also help keep stuff like socks from falling down between the machines.

A friend of mine had those blue/purple color Kenmore Oasis set, and she seemed to have lots of issues with the washer. In fact, she always bought Kenmore appliances and vacuums before that, but after that she never did again.

I'm not sure when she got the Oasis set, but I first went to her house in 2008, and they were there at the time. I don't remember what she replaced them with.

Post# 1144471 , Reply# 2   3/13/2022 at 16:48 (966 days old) by norgechef (Saint George New Brunswick )        

You're welcome. I think a lot of people had issues with the Cabrio/Oasis washers. The electronics were prone to failure (as well as the front loaders-which is why mine is plugged into a surge protector) and the seal/bearings were an issue and still are to this day in the Whirlpool top loaders. Suspension issues were also common but that has been worked on somewhat over the years to my knowledge. All I know is, after 2010, Sears/Kenmore started slowly sourcing their washers (top and front load) from other manufacturers. Don't think that was just a coincidence.

They had a lot of cool accessories for storage at this time. I have the pedestal drawers on my HE5T set and they make loading and unloading much easier. I would say they make the machines a bit less stable on large/unbalanced loads however. I prefer my 1996 KM direct drive set over anything though. Wish they'd bring those back.

Post# 1144493 , Reply# 3   3/14/2022 at 02:09 (965 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Wow that's very cool! I love the blue Oasis and the blue front loaders, they're one of my all time favorites! They match with some of my blue Kenmore vacuum cleaners that I have, some of them are made in the US like the Oasis and some of them are made in Germany like the front loaders (except the dryers of course). Thank you so much for sharing these:)

Post# 1144504 , Reply# 4   3/14/2022 at 12:59 (965 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
Maytag Edition

Didn't Whirlpool add the Maytag edition to the kenmore lineup? I could've sworn Whirlpool built Maytag around the same time Kenmores were built.

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