Thread Number: 89901  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
What happened to the Blue/Orange Tide Pods?
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Post# 1145226   3/26/2022 at 13:24 (853 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        

blockeight88's profile picture
I'm curious what happened to the blue/orange/white Tide Pods. I also notice the Gain colored pods are gone too, e.g., Purple/White (Moonlight Breeze), Pink/White (Tropical Paradise). Now the pods seem standard al across the market with Green/White. What's up with that?

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Post# 1145369 , Reply# 1   3/28/2022 at 06:48 (851 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Uniform Color

A well-designed child resistant package for pods and placing them out of reach of small children is the first defense.

The idea for uniform color seems to be to make the pods less appealing to children, so there are no accidental poisonings. The swirls of color can make them look like candy.

There have been suggestions to enclose each pod in its own plain wrap (adds to environmental waste), add warning labels to each pod (a detergent to the Tide Pod challenges seen on TikTok), etc.

The liquid inside is super concentrated. I would think taste alone would deter accidental ingestion, but for a small toddler or pet who weighs so little the concentration could cause serious issues.

The bottom line seems to be that changes made to the pod are to make them less likely to be a source of accidental poisonings and a labels that clearly state the dangers.

Post# 1145489 , Reply# 2   3/29/2022 at 17:52 (850 days old) by volvoman (West Windsor, NJ)        
Not to mention...'s probably cheaper for P&G to make their pods one standard color, rather than use different colors for, say, Gain and Tide.

Post# 1145561 , Reply# 3   3/30/2022 at 13:10 (849 days old) by trappn (Illinois)        
Tide Pod Stains

A big complaint early on is the dye in the Tide pods (especially the blue) was known to stain clothes, under certain conditions. Actually happened to me once.

Post# 1145628 , Reply# 4   3/31/2022 at 20:55 (848 days old) by BlockEight88 (Northwest, IN)        

blockeight88's profile picture
All very insightful replies. Thank you. I am hoping in the future they can find a way to bring back colors to differentiate the scents.

Post# 1145630 , Reply# 5   3/31/2022 at 23:19 (848 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Do they still contain the same additives even in the hygienic clean? What did they do to them?

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