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Westinghouse door boots
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Post# 1145532   3/30/2022 at 06:19 (849 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        

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Dear folks… we never that I know of had the larger Westinghouse slant front washers in the UK but we did have the spacemate badged here under English Electric . This was both in automatic and semi automatic models but was essentially a spacemate . The old style Corrugated door seal that was on the spacemate was identical to the EE machine . However did this door boot fit the slant front model or was it very different . The only reason for asking is I’m looking to have some spacemate ( EE) door boots made for the three machines I know we have within the wider UK collections . Do you think there would be a market for the boots in the USA ?im unsure if the spacemate boots and slant front machines use the same boot The manufacturer in the UK can make sizes of boots to fit both machines if the profile is the same .
The quality of the work and customer service is FANTASTIC as he’s made a set of door seals for the Bendix bolt down machines in my collection so I know it will be a top notch job ..How have the US spacemate owners overcome these challenges ?
Any ideas on these issues would be brilliant .

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Post# 1145536 , Reply# 1   3/30/2022 at 07:38 (849 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Early WH Door Boots

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Hi Darren, This sounds like great news and an exciting project.


There is a difference between the boots on the full sized slant front machines and the 25" wide Space-Mate boots. I am not sure of the difference, they are both the same diameter and look like they should interchange, I think that someone else will jump in and describe the difference.


Depending on cost I would like to buy at least one for the SM machine and maybe four boots for the SM model.


Keep us posted.


I can't wait to get a chance to visit you guys again, hopefully later this year or next year.


John L.

Post# 1145543 , Reply# 2   3/30/2022 at 09:22 (849 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Yes, the Spacemate boot kit was known as Q4712, whereas the replacement boots for the slant front washers (up through 1958) was kit Q4688.

The Q4699 was used on the early H-1/H-2 25" Westinghouse washers.

While the diameter for all three is identical, the depth and, most importantly, the outer edge profile is different.

If anyone knows of a way to reproduce both the Q4688 and Q4712, I imagine there would be several dozen folks interested in purchasing a reproduction for their side-lined Laundromats.


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Post# 1145544 , Reply# 3   3/30/2022 at 09:25 (849 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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Ben, what models did the Q4699 boot fit?  I used this style in both the Westy Slant-fronts I restored - they were not a perfect fit, but I was able to beef up the door gasketing to keep the water and suds in the tub.  I had always thought the Q4699 was for the SpaceMate! 

Post# 1145547 , Reply# 4   3/30/2022 at 10:27 (849 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
what models did the Q4699 boot fit?

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Per the Repair Master chart in my first reply, the Q4699 fits the H-1 / H-2, also known as the Laundromat 25, as seen here from the one Robert found a few years ago.

The only way I was able to connect the dots was seeing the model number in the Craigslist screen shot, from the thread. There doesn't seem to be a ton of literature out there for those early 25" models.

I've included another cross reference chart, from the 1962 edition of the Parts Master. The L-125 / L-127 were the 1959 Spacemates.



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Post# 1145549 , Reply# 5   3/30/2022 at 11:33 (849 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        
Westinghouse door boots

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I’ve sent the door boot to the rubber manufacturer all I know is that it fits the spacemate …as in the EE machine here in the UK . There were obviously multiple hybrids of the spacemate machine in the USA . It’s going to be difficult to identify which other Westinghouse machines the boot I have will be interchangeable. Any experts out there in the US may be able to help ?? If the numbers were favourable for demand it’s going to be worth doing the project !! These are the new seals they made
For the Bendix . It’s worked a real treat and totally water tight

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Post# 1145551 , Reply# 6   3/30/2022 at 12:00 (849 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Darren, the boot in your photos does look like the US equivalent of a Q4712 Spacemate boot.

The Bendix boot is gorgeous! Did the MFG require those to be produced in bulk, as well, or did they do one run for you? I can't think of anything in the US that would have used that style of boot.


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Post# 1145558 , Reply# 7   3/30/2022 at 12:52 (849 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        
Westinghouse boot

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He can make as many as needed . The bigger the run the better the price ….The company have done all the profiling and can get the tooling to make them
It’s just if there is little demand it’s going to be an expensive thing to reproduce . There are so few English Electric machines in the UK and two of the three are needing seals . It’s just if there was a US demand for the same boot it could be a possible to do a run ? Many thanks Darren

Post# 1145568 , Reply# 8   3/30/2022 at 14:41 (849 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
25" Space Mate Door Boots

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I have an early 25" SM like the one pictured, the front edge of the boot seals against a rubber seal on the inside of the door, Darren does your machine also have this rubber seal on the inside of the door ?


The Slant Front machines the front lip of the boot seals against the flat glass window.



Post# 1145571 , Reply# 9   3/30/2022 at 15:50 (849 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        

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Hi John yes the doors have a rubber seal on them this is on the dryer doors . Exactly the same on the washer
Best wishes Darren

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Post# 1145645 , Reply# 10   4/1/2022 at 04:37 (847 days old) by Syndets2000 (Nanjemoy, MD)        
Door boots

The space mates boots are exactly alike except the lip that attaches to the front panel of the cabinet. It is about a half inch shorter, and will not form a complete seal against the door of a full size laundromat washer. I remedied this by placing something under the outer lip between the cabinet which extended the lip enough to seal. I have two traditional boots ( not useable ) if u need a sort of dye to go by...I'll definitely want at least three or more for my collection.

Post# 1145649 , Reply# 11   4/1/2022 at 09:03 (847 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        
Westinghouse door seals

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I think there could be a way ahead with this . I’ve emailed you Robert direct . Best wishes Darren

Post# 1145794 , Reply# 12   4/4/2022 at 02:52 (844 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Westinghouse English Electric Door Boots

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Great to see this project getting ahead, for information guys the door boot in the first pictures is one that Jon Jetcone Charles brought over to me to see if we could find existing new / old stock like the Bendix washers .

I`m just awaiting Jon to confirm which model this was from ? We know there is a market for it but the cost of the set up , jig extrusion and production for a first time is pretty steep but if we can confirm who wants them for starters its gonna make this project a goer !!

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Post# 1158267 , Reply# 13   8/30/2022 at 15:39 (696 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        
Westinghouse spacemate and slant front door boots

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I’ve done some reading about the door seals . From what folks have explained the early slant front corrugated door boot is a very similar profile to the spacemate except that the lip on the slant front protrudes more to achieve a water seal against the door glass The spacemate has a shorter lip as the door glass is held in place with a rubber gasket and this secures a seal against the door boot with a shorter lip
. The company can produce the spacemate boot that I’ve given them to work against . However we need a old slant front door boot to get the profile accurate . Does anyone have one that could be used as a template . It doesn’t need to be complete as long as it can provide an actuate diameter and profile to manufacture against . If there are any diameter differences we can accommodate these in the production as long as the profile is the same
The guy at the rubber company has said that if the boots are essentially the same he can trim the sealing lip to fit the spacemate machine using the generic remodelled boot ..
If anyone is able to help this could really work as a project. I’m in the USA very shortly so it could be mailed to where I’m staying … it would be great to get this project off the ground and get some of these brilliant machines going again .. thanks Darren

Post# 1159578 , Reply# 14   9/14/2022 at 23:19 (681 days old) by Revvinkevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        
A little late to the thread….

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I have a 1957 Westinghouse Spacemate, by chance is the boot in question the same for this model?

I would be interested in one for this washer!

Darren, when will you be in the US and any chance you’ll be in Los Angeles again?


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Post# 1159583 , Reply# 15   9/15/2022 at 05:00 (680 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        
Exactly the same

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Hello Kevin the English Electric Liberator is the same machine as the Westinghouse spacemate . I’m trying to get hold of an old ( non functioning ) slant front boot from someone as the manufacturer is able to make this as well . There are some differences but many similarities and the market will be wider if we can manufacture for this machine at the same time .. I’m not visiting the west coast this time unfortunately …
Is the machine you have the star of YouTube ?? What a delightful l machine .. best wishes Darren

Post# 1159601 , Reply# 16   9/15/2022 at 11:49 (680 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Wait are there manufacturers

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Who makes seals and boots for washing machines? If so I need to find out if they can make something for one of mine

Post# 1159609 , Reply# 17   9/15/2022 at 14:41 (680 days old) by Slowspin66 (lincoln uk)        
It has to be a batch

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I use a company here in the UK who have been brilliant with remastering the door seals for the Bendix bolt down machines . There are 5 of the machines and to be really honest it’s not cost effective to commission a single unit . Therefore I’ve had a clutch made to future proof the machines here . The job was superb !!

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Post# 1160059 , Reply# 18   9/21/2022 at 11:44 (674 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

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That boot I brought over is for the Slant Front machines. So I think I left it with you, use that for a form. I'll take one new one !

This is cool and Darren that Bendix boot is amazing !! I use the Qualtex spares over here for my Bendix Duos and Gyramatics.

So, 3 for Robert, 3 for John, 1 for me and i bet Robert S will want one. Thats a start at 8.

Post# 1160061 , Reply# 19   9/21/2022 at 13:14 (674 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
+1 for the Westy boot!

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Make that 9 if the boot Jon left behind @ Mike's is indeed the Q4688. The '56 slant front could sure use one.


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