Thread Number: 89952  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Whirlpool Direct Drive lid swich wiring harness question.
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Post# 1145599   3/31/2022 at 08:13 (920 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        

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I'm refurbishing a 2005 Kenmore 80 Series Direct Drive to give to a friend with a large family. Unfortunately, someone cut the wiring harness when the lid switch broke and taped the wires together. I need to fix this because my friend has several small children and he doesn't want any of them to open the lid during spin and have an injury. (We know better, but small children don't.)

It takes a 3949238 lid switch, which I have already ordered. This is the one with the flat blade style terminals. The male terminals are in the lid switch, the female terminals are in the main wiring harness connector, part 62889, which I have also ordered.

The question is: how do I get new female terminals to go into the connector? I don't know the terminology for these. I can crimp them onto the wires, install them into the new terminal block, and put the whole thing together once I can get my hands on new female terminals.

Please let me know,

Post# 1145605 , Reply# 1   3/31/2022 at 11:50 (920 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        
Could it be a Molex connector?

volvoguy87's profile picture
Could it be the Molex Super Sabre Connector System?


Post# 1145612 , Reply# 2   3/31/2022 at 13:24 (920 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Looks to have potential.

You could also connect the wires via some other method such as insulated spade terminals or even wire nuts and tape them to the top deck under the console so they're not loose down in the tub area.

Post# 1145614 , Reply# 3   3/31/2022 at 13:29 (920 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture

How many wires are we talking about? If it's just 2 or 3 wires, I would use wire nuts and call it done.

Post# 1146855 , Reply# 4   4/18/2022 at 08:54 (902 days old) by Volvoguy87 (Cincinnati, OH)        

volvoguy87's profile picture
While I would love to get this machine up and running, I want it to be done by the book in case future repairs are needed and I am not available to do the work. I also worry about the wires rubbing against the metal lid and shorting, which is prevented by the connection being inside the plastic housing.


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