Thread Number: 89956  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Replacing SQ FL struts
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Post# 1145647   4/1/2022 at 07:37 (977 days old) by Helicaldrive (St. Louis)        

What is involved in replacing SQ FL struts?

My machine, 5 or 6 years old, has a very loud strut in need of replacement. I believe this problem is my fault, and that I caused it by under loading the machine with loads of heavier items when it was new. I’ve been putting off repair due to COVID because it was working fine other than being noisy on less than perfectly balanced spins. However the re-balancing attempts with a load of towels have gotten way too numerous, so it’s time to replace the struts.

My question: how involved is this repair? Is it one of those repairs where the machine will need significant disassembly and possibly never again be the same as it was when new?

Post# 1145651 , Reply# 1   4/1/2022 at 10:46 (977 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Replacing shocks on a Speed Queen front load washer

combo52's profile picture
It’s not a terribly complicated job, you will have to lay the washer on its side or back to get the bottom nuts off and you’ll probably have to remove the cabinet to get to the top strut nuts.

You can examine it you may just have one broken shock and replace just one if you can’t see anything wrong replace all four of them.

The washer should be just as good as new after you replace the parts.

But I don’t really know whether it’s something you should try or not depends on how involved you want to get something people always call me up and ask me can I do this that’s a hard question to answer.

Good luck luck let us know what you do.

John L

Post# 1145673 , Reply# 2   4/1/2022 at 20:45 (976 days old) by Helicaldrive (St. Louis)        

Oh, I’m not going to attempt this repair myself.

It’s a fantastic washer. Cleanest clothes I’ve ever had. The lack of a heater is no issue for me. When I do a hot load I want to stay hot, I just set it to do a prewash which only takes a few extra minutes.

Post# 1145746 , Reply# 3   4/3/2022 at 00:08 (975 days old) by Jben (AL)        
I didn't have much luck when I tried.

I had the front left shock fail on my SQ. It made the washer drum and boot noticeably off-center (as pictured). I purchased four new shocks for the planned replacement.

I struggled a bit but was able to finally lever out that bad shock and replaced it. I think I somehow positioned a 2x4 to raise the front of the drum up, but cannot remember what exactly worked.

I next tried the other side front and could never get it out even with the leverage. Next I laid the machine on it's front (or side ?) and tried one of the back shocks. The same thing - I was never even close to being able to get it out. I think there was no space to use the leverage in the back because of the motor. At that point I said the others are still good enough.

Let us know if you have any luck and if so, how you managed to get them out and replaced. I still have the three new shocks that I couldn't install.

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Post# 1145747 , Reply# 4   4/3/2022 at 01:18 (975 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Don't have a dog in this hunt, but was curious how difficult swapping out SQ shocks could be... If anything like this video am not duly noted; if ever own a SQ washer will arrange for call out and let professional cope. Just watching this man work caused one to want a lie down.

Post# 1145754 , Reply# 5   4/3/2022 at 10:13 (975 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Anyone else notice the load in the front left machine at 11:40?

Post# 1145759 , Reply# 6   4/3/2022 at 10:59 (975 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

With 2 people this should be significantly easier.

Since you need access to the underside with these anyway to change shocks I don't see why dosen't pull it out, release the springs at the top, lay the machine on one side (gently) and thus takes any weight of the shocks.

Then he can remove one by one, replace them without having to lift the tub AND place them at the same time.
Then right the machine back up, reattach the springs and be done.
Then he can do all the lifting seperatly from the delicate screw work.

Post# 1145778 , Reply# 7   4/3/2022 at 20:31 (974 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Another take on things... Either way it looks exhausting...

Post# 1145783 , Reply# 8   4/3/2022 at 21:31 (974 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
SQ FL Shock Change

combo52's profile picture

If you are only changing the lower part on the older style shock it is not that hard.


You just remove the lower panel and carefully lay the washer on its back and remove the nut on the bottom of the shock and remove the shock, there is no need to pry the tub up with a 2x4 if you just lay the machine down and let gravity do the work.


Note, there are no springs at the top on a SQ FL washer to remove etc.


The newer machines have a one piece shock where you have to reach the nut at the tub, to do these you remove the cabinet, in either case it takes less than an hour to do all 4 shocks.


John L.

Post# 1145814 , Reply# 9   4/4/2022 at 08:14 (974 days old) by Jben (AL)        
How do you access the rear shocks...

"...You just remove the lower panel and carefully lay the washer on its back and remove the nut on the bottom of the shock and remove the shock, there is no need to pry the tub up with a 2x4 if you just lay the machine down and let gravity do the work."

Indeed, I was only trying to change the lower part on the older style shock.

How is one suppose to get to, or able to reach those two back shocks? They are to far back to reach from the front side, so I tried by removing the small access panel in the rear (on the prior generation SQ FL - current generation has no rear panel), and this was with the washer laying forward on it's front, much like the gentleman shown in the video above in this thread.

Maybe if the lower portion of the shock was totally blown, it could be compressed enough to get it out? I just could not get the shocks compressed enough for the shaft to clear the bottom panel hole after the nut was removed.

Is this just old age showing up and I needed more arm strength, or am I overlooking something ?

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