Thread Number: 89992  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
How to date a zanussi washing machine
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Post# 1145878   4/5/2022 at 14:59 (972 days old) by boschclassixx (Orpington )        

Hi there I am a new user to this site I am wondering how do you date a zanussi washing machine because I have a zanussi washing machine

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Post# 1145919 , Reply# 1   4/6/2022 at 09:51 (972 days old) by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)        
caution, smart alec answer. ahead...

Take it to the movies or to a nice restaurant...wink


Oh, you mean that sort of date...

I tend to remove the cover and look at components, they are often date marked inside - inlet solenoid valves in particular often have a manufacture date stamped on them. Also sometimes the detergent dispenser casing might be date-stamped, or the drain pump, just look around under the hood for date stamps. It's very common to have date-stamped components.

Post# 1146004 , Reply# 2   4/7/2022 at 16:17 (970 days old) by Washerguy02 (Manchester )        

washerguy02's profile picture
Hi there to date zanussi aeg and Electrolux group washers there is a sticker at the bottom of the door you focus on the first 3 digits of the serial number
Digit 1 is the year of production
Digit 2 and 3 is the week of the year it was produced
Hope that helped you :)

Jan Jan

Post# 1146052 , Reply# 3   4/8/2022 at 12:40 (969 days old) by quincyman (Oldsmar, FL)        
Gizmo stole my response.

Since I saw this post I have been stifling the urge for a smart-ass answer. Now he beat me too it. Laughing my ass off hear.
Good luck on the date

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