Thread Number: 90133  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Zanussi Brochures
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Post# 1147088   4/21/2022 at 15:04 (956 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Hello everyone!

I'm in the processes of possibly moving house near the end of the year and as a result I've been looking at listings on RightMove for inspiration. One of the houses we looked at had a Zanussi XC era washer dryer, which brought back some very fond memories of being little and waddling around the electrical department in our local Co-Op and looking at all the washers, especially the Zanussi ones.

I've been trying to find brochures, etc for the XC/IZ/ZQ series of washers,dryers,etc from Zanussi but I've not been very successful in doing so, I did however manage to find two Tricity Bendix brochures; one from 2003-2004 and one from 2005 which I will upload when I eventually figure out how to haha

If anyone has any brochures, etc for this series of Zanussi's (also dishwashers if anyone has them) I would greatly appriciate!

Also, I'm not too sure if I've posted this in the right part of the forum, since these machines are well over 10 years old, so appologies in advance :)


Post# 1147287 , Reply# 1   4/24/2022 at 10:17 (954 days old) by alanlondon (London)        
Here you go!

Hi Tom, saw your post the other day and thought I have these, only had a chance to look now. This is quite a big range, if there's something in particular (model) that you want details on let me know, in the meantime here's a selection from this range.

Cheers, Alan

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Post# 1147343 , Reply# 2   4/25/2022 at 06:58 (953 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        
Nostalgic blast!

Hiya Alan,
thank you so much for sharing those shots! I really loved this range of Zanussis and the range which came out just before the "Blue Start Button" era machines. I really love the styling of these and can't quite believe still how modern they look even by todays standards, I also can't quite get over how so many of them have gone so yellowy now.

We're very much an Electrolux/BSH/Beko-Group family with myself and my mother both owning AEG machines, mine replaced a rather ageing Zanussi Flexi Dose with a 1600 spin that eventually suffered from PCB and bearing failiure after about 10ish years old this year, despite it being a machine with mixed reviews I never had a problem with it and it soldiered on for years washing for me when I was single to washing for myself and my partner before finally kicking the bucket. I don't think all the years of spinning at 1600 helped it much mind, the spin speed selection was very poor; 1600>900>700.

I do have some PDF's of the Tricity Bendix range I'd like to share but I have no idea how to, and I'm also working off of a Chromebook laptop which probably isn't assisting much haha
Thanks again, I really appriciate you sharing that :)

Post# 1147419 , Reply# 3   4/26/2022 at 06:51 (952 days old) by washerguy02 (Manchester )        
Another brochure for you to see

washerguy02's profile picture
Hiya Tom I have got another brochure for the later ones the very last XC models from 2003/2004 in pdf. It’s on my old phone. I’m going to upload it here for everyone to see

Post# 1147420 , Reply# 4   4/26/2022 at 07:15 (952 days old) by Washerguy02 (Manchester )        

washerguy02's profile picture

Here is the full 2003/2004 brochure in pdf I have of the very last range the FJDR and IZ models when they switched to the Zanussi-Electrolux branding.

There were FX models but no mention of it in that brochure. I too like you Tom love that range and the following ZWF range of Zanussi they are one of my favourite Zanussis they have done.

They are solid and sturdy quality washers. The IZ machines were absolutely fab looking especially the silver graphite ones they did I prefer it to the white ones that tend to yellow. I wouldn't mind owning a XC or XC6 as long as its not yellowed. I would love to own a silver IZ they look so fab and also would love to own a 1600 7kg Timeline ZWF1651W. The Timelines seem to be super rare these days out of all the zanussis from 2000-2007.


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Post# 1147422 , Reply# 5   4/26/2022 at 08:04 (952 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Hiya Janak, thanks for sharing that :)

Yeah I remember the Timeline series machines and agree, there really aren't many about these days. I do know of someone that had an IZ machine but it lasted 18 months before the PCB gave out on it.
Its also funny to think that until recently, the tumble dryers were still using the same design as the XC series dryers underneath, the vented ones I'm pretty sure still do.
Bit of a shame they no longer produce a Jetsystem model and only higher spec AEG machines have that, my AEG sadly doesn't neither does my mums.
Looking at those old Ariel packets brought back some memories alright! I can almost smell it now if I think hard enough haha

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