Thread Number: 90217  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Grandmother's old Speed Queen washing machine issue
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Post# 1147875   5/2/2022 at 11:01 (948 days old) by Timmothy111 (Canada)        

Hi, I hope someone can help me. I am visiting my 90 year old grandmother and everything seems to be going wrong for her. The latest is that her precious Speed Queen washing machine is not running.

It's a top loader, I think an lws21. The issue is that it fills with water fine but as soon as it goes to agitate during the wash cycle it makes an aweful klunking sound and the agitator does not spin. If you turn the dial to the spin cycle the drum will spin.

The agitator spins freely when that machine is off and there is no grab. I took the agitator off and the agitator bell seems fine.

I really hope someone can help as my grandmother lives in South Africa and doesn't have the money for a repair or replacement.



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