Thread Number: 90239  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele w4842 vs Miele w1-860
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Post# 1148092   5/5/2022 at 20:08 (813 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        

I’m getting ready to put another unit in my basement. I have a cleaning business and need another set. I currently have a w4842 with a bad dispenser. I’ve bypassed the valve and have used it for a year now. Still going strong. I’m considering buying a w1 860 since I won’t have to run 220 to my basement. What are the biggest difference between the w1 and the w4842? So far I’ve noticed capacity is bigger on the 4842 and the options configurations are much less.

Post# 1148099 , Reply# 1   5/5/2022 at 22:05 (813 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Rated capacity on Miele W4XXX series is somewhat deceiving.

For Normal/Cottons/Linens Miele recommended not loading washer more than 3/4 full. Meanwhile on W3XXX series one could load as usual for a Miele front loader of time, full leaving about a closed fist worth of room at top of load.

Others will chime in as to if newer Miele washers still can handle full loads as above.

If you have a cleaning business I'd suggest looking for a SQ front loader either maybe used at good price, or perhaps new (same). Cycle times will be faster as SQ are no nonsense but robust machines. Since you're using washer for business purposes you can expense cost on your taxes.

Much as one loves one's European front loaders, there are times when don't want nor need > one and one half hours for a load of wash. Nor need things to be mollycoddled, but could do with washer that can handle 18lbs of wash and or bulky things quickly and efficiently.

Post# 1148238 , Reply# 2   5/7/2022 at 19:41 (811 days old) by Moon1234 (Wisconsin)        

The rated capacity for the w484x was exactly the same as the W1, 8kg max. The issue with the w484x series is that it was easy to fit a lot more in them than they were designed to handle. This routinely resulted in broken machines. The W1 in the USA is the same, capacity wise, as it’s sister model in the EU. You can cram the drum full on the w1 if you want, but things don’t wash as well if they can’t tumble. It won’t hurt the machine.

If you need a larger capacity washer than 8kg and you are running a legit business then look at true commercial washers from Miele, Electrolux, Speed Queen, etc.

Post# 1148252 , Reply# 3   5/7/2022 at 22:39 (811 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        

My LG set (daily runner) would most likely wash all the business stuff and would start using the Miele to wash regular clothes. It’s the days when I get a back log of so many things to wash, I wouldn’t mind a second set!

Interesting to me, that the w484x is rated same capacity as the w1. There have been times I would wash a large load of towels in my LG, the LG would have a hard time spinning out the load and the Miele spun it out no problem.

Post# 1148256 , Reply# 4   5/7/2022 at 22:53 (811 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

The W1 has vastly different programming, way different options etc but that should be obvious.

W1 cycle times are a bit longer over all, even for the US market.

The W1 drum is physically smaller, but rated the same capacity, yes.
The W48xx series wanted fast cycle times and thus wanted to ensure load was wetted quickly.
That's why you aren't supposed to stuff them.

The W1 you can stuff to the brim. The new drum is amazing at moving water around.
If you get a PowerWash equipped model even better - the recirculation helps of course.

I can wash my EU pillow (80cm * 80cm) no problem in my W1.
As long as it fits it washes usually.
I guess your cleaning business means a lot of rags, towels, mops. These aren't an issue no matter the load size.

If you want the higher drum volume you'd have to go professional.
Since you have a business you should be abled to get the equipment.

Drum volume wise, an OctoPlus machine would be equivalent to the W48xx.
BUT you can stuff these machines anyway.
They do need high voltage and large breakers though.

The LittleGiants are basically the W1s on steroids.
They need high voltage too, have slightly bigger drums, shorter cycles and a lot of speciality cycles.

However, if service is an issue in your area, and SQ is better in that regard, i wouldn't push that option out either.

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