Thread Number: 90304  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Will the clothespin trick to bypass the lid switch on Speed Queend TC5 cause any damage to washer?
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Post# 1148750   5/15/2022 at 12:35 (857 days old) by Studly (Twin Cities, Minnesota)        

I tried out the clothespin trick, as mentioned on a couple YouTube videos, for bypassing the Speed Queen TC5 lid switch, so you can watch it in action with the lid up. Is it OK to leave the clothespin on long term to keep the switch mechanism held down, or could that do damage to the mechanism or machine?

Post# 1148756 , Reply# 1   5/15/2022 at 13:09 (857 days old) by WindRivers (Wind River Range, WY)        

I've never heard of any problems. I believe it was purposely designed the way it was to give repairmen easy access to be able to see the machine in operation. I don't think there is any extra stress on the switch itself than when the lid is closed, and I don't see any way it would do damage to the machine itself.

Even if it could somehow deform the switch mechanism over time, I think that would just mean that the switch would remain engaged all the time even without the clothespin. And I really don't think there is enough pressure on it to do that. But just in case, and I just checked, you can get replacement switch assemblies (part number 204791) on the internet for around $20, assuming you couldn't just carefully bend the mechanism back into shape.

Plus there would be less wear on the switch itself leaving it permanently engaged than constantly engaging and disengaging it.

Being exceptionally cheap, I didn't even waste a clothespin on mine, I cut the end off of an old radiator hose and squeezed it in above the switch.

Post# 1148758 , Reply# 2   5/15/2022 at 13:16 (857 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Not sure, but I believe to remember that with the switch to the electronic control they added a counter so after a certain number of cycles without the lid being opened and closed it will give an error and not allow more cycles to be started before it registers the lid being opened and closed.

But that's just a remote memory that I might be mixing up and at worst that would mean you would have to reach around every few cycles.

Post# 1148763 , Reply# 3   5/15/2022 at 14:11 (857 days old) by WindRivers (Wind River Range, WY)        
Lid Switch Counter

I hope not, but I guess it wouldn't be as bad a deal as long as they don't decide to brick the washer altogether.

Seems like I would have heard reports of that by now. As I've been using mine for, I would estimate, 40 loads or so it seems it would be a fairly high count.

I wonder if they might have the counter only on the machines sold specifically for commercial use? I can see how they may consider the lid switch being disabled more of a liability issue for the owner and company there.

Post# 1148764 , Reply# 4   5/15/2022 at 14:15 (857 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

As I said, I might be mistaken.
Maybe it was just their TR models, or another machine all together.

My brain mixes such stuff up from time to time - manual is manual after all...

Post# 1148793 , Reply# 5   5/15/2022 at 19:40 (856 days old) by Studly (Twin Cities, Minnesota)        

Thanks for the great insight everyone! Good idea on the radiator hose. If my clothespin falls out regularly, maybe I'll cut a thin block of wood to put there, since I don't have an old radiator hose on hand.

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