Thread Number: 90336  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
speed queen front load door seal?
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Post# 1149013   5/18/2022 at 19:35 (999 days old) by kenc (SF Bay Area)        

Hi all,
I got the idea that I wanted a SQ front loader, we currently have a 2015 model SQ top loader. Well.....I found a 2015 front load pair for what I thought was a fair price and installed them today.
I did notice a calcium drip mark at 6 o'clock on the machine which made me worry.

And rightly so, the machine has a slight drip in that spot from the seal I suppose. The strange thing is apart from some calcium marks up around the side of the seal, the seal looks perfect. No ripples, tears or anything like that. Over a wash, it can drip enough to make a 3" to 4" ring on a piece of paper towel.

The door appears undamaged, it is easy to push the door in a slight amount at the bottom but I doubt that's unusual. I checked all the torx and they were ok.

If anyone has come across this with a SQ front loader where the gasket looks perfect but there's still a leak I'd like to hear from you! Or if you're just an appliance genius and have an opinion - I'd still like to hear.

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Post# 1149019 , Reply# 1   5/18/2022 at 21:00 (999 days old) by kenc (SF Bay Area)        

Since the gasket looks in good shape, I wondered if the face of the gasket had been pushed further away from vertical over years of use- I don't know HOW vertical the gasket face is supposed to be, but the profile does look tipped back form the vertical. I spent some time manipulating the gasket in the vain hope of tilting it back closer to vertical - yes, pretty unlikely I know.....but.....

in the last load, the door did not leak. Fluke? Probably, but we're going to wash sheets, pillow cases and quilt cover this time and see what happens.

I hope I can fix it, because I think we will prefer the front load SQ to the top load, and we certainly liked the TL.

Post# 1149035 , Reply# 2   5/19/2022 at 07:17 (998 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Possible distortion of door

ozzie908's profile picture
It may be tight but if its left closed for long periods it can easily warp a new seal may stop the drip but before you go buying. a new one try a green scotchbrite pad with cream cleaner and give the glass a good scrub sometimes its a little bit of limescale you cannot feel or see that is allowing a drip out of the door. Its worth a shot.

Post# 1149087 , Reply# 3   5/19/2022 at 18:42 (998 days old) by kenc (SF Bay Area)        

Thanks, I have gone around looking for calcium and treating with CLR where I see it. On the SQ, it's a plastic ring around the door glass that bears on the seal, but I get your message and will give it a go.

Post# 1149126 , Reply# 4   5/20/2022 at 07:44 (997 days old) by Helicaldrive (St. Louis)        

Just clean the door glass and the seal very thoroughly. A single hair can cause it to leak. Despite that if you wipe the gasket and door with a damp cloth after every use it will never leak.

I love mine! Cleanest clothes I’ve ever had. And with a few extra rinses, the best-rinsed clothes I’ve ever had too.

Post# 1149253 , Reply# 5   5/21/2022 at 20:53 (996 days old) by kenc (SF Bay Area)        

I hope I'm not jinxing it, but after several thorough cleanings of the glass and the rubber seal with CLR (a limescale remover), we've now done two loads with no leaks.

Thanks for the advice both of you.

Post# 1157386 , Reply# 6   8/19/2022 at 18:11 (906 days old) by biggpete (Hillsborugh County Florida)        
Brand new SS Speed Queen Front Load seal leaking

Ditto to your issue. I currently have the exact same issue. I purchased my Speed Queen SS FF7 and matching dryer at the beginning of the year. I have not used them till now. The were stored in the original packaging which means the door was shut the whole time.

A few days ago I unpacked the pair and hooked them up. Everything worked great until I noticed a drop of water from the 6 o’clock position at the bottom of the door which dripped down the bottom panel. It was a very slow leak just like yours. Of course it only happened when in wash mode.

After noticing that. I did some research. The only things I was able to come up with was to inspect for any damage to the door boot seal (bellow) or to very thoroughly clean the boot.

After the load was finished I checked for damage, did not see any. I thoroughly cleaned it. When I cleaned it I didn’t hold back from being forceful with pulling the boot back and cleaning inside it and around it.

I did a second load and did not have any leaks. I then did a third load and it happened again. This time the leak was more slow. Like one drop per minute or two.

After the third load was finished I performed the same cleaning routine on the boot. I don’t have any more clothes to do now but will see what happens in the near future.

I’m guessing the boot just need a ‘break in time,’ or since the door was closed on it when it was stored since the beginning of the year the boot may need to get used more to regain its proper shape. Keep in mind it was manufactured this time last year and the door has been shut on it the whole time.

If none of my remedies work at least it has a 5 year warranty. I’ll try to keep you all posted as to what eventually transpires.


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Post# 1157398 , Reply# 7   8/19/2022 at 21:32 (906 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
SQ FL Washers

combo52's profile picture

Nice looking W&D Pete.


I got my SS SQ FL machine almost 2 years ago, no problems what so ever. Alco bought a SS one for my partner and no problems wit his either.


A few years ago we had one of these at a beauty shop that leaked a little and we changed the boot under warranty which solved the problem.


Try the suggestions above and if it keeps happing either call for warranty service or call SQ if you like doing things yourself and have them send you the part.


SQ has by far the easiest to change door boot in the industry it only takes a few minutes to change. On most brands you might as well throw the machine away when the boot needs changing, Frigidaire-electrolux is about the worst one, but WP-MT is not much better.


John L.

Post# 1157540 , Reply# 8   8/21/2022 at 14:30 (904 days old) by biggpete (Hillsborugh County Florida)        
Re: Combo52

Attn: John,

Thanks for the advice. Actually, I think it’s fixed with doing a number of thorough cleanings and leaving the door ajar when not in use. My roommate and I have done a few loads with zero leaks after my original post the other day.

I agree with you that the door boot on Speed Queen FL’s are easy to replace and I do like the fact that Speed Queen doesn’t seem to mind sending out parts under warranty if you tell them you can replace it yourself. I do like the fact that pretty much everything is, ‘easier,’ to replace on Speed Queen’s vs pretty much all other machines. That’s why they are not throw away machines. And it’s not like they never ever break down but if it happens there parts are easily replaceable/reparable.

Besides this set I also have a FF7 stacked unit. I’m not using it at the current moment but I did use it for 14 months so far. No problems with it. I bought it January of 2021.

I also replace my parents failing GE washer last month with the Speed Queen TC-5003. That’s an awesome top load washer! Very fast cycles. Fills all the way up with water if you want. I’m like the stroke action to the agitator. Since they are in their mid/late 70’s that washer will be the last one they have since Speed Queen’s last so long. I’m hoping the 2 sets of FF7’s will be the last W/D’s I ever have to buy as well.


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Post# 1158015 , Reply# 9   8/27/2022 at 13:35 (898 days old) by biggpete (Hillsborugh County Florida)        
Speed Queen door boot leak

Hey Ken,

Just of of curiosity, has the door boot seal to your Speed Queen front load washer still totally quit leaking?


Post# 1158019 , Reply# 10   8/27/2022 at 14:39 (898 days old) by stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        
Have same issue on occasion

stopmeister72's profile picture
I have a drip every once is awhile as well. Seems the door is out of kilter a little, not sure why. I can push the bottom frame of the door in about 1/4 of an inch but the top is fine. And that makes a difference on the amount of contact of the seal on the bottom. Have also used some bar keepers friend to scrub the glass to get the buildup off.

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Post# 1159610 , Reply# 11   9/15/2022 at 15:01 (879 days old) by biggpete (Hillsborugh County Florida)        
speed queen door drip Re-stopmeister72

Attn: stopmeister72

Thank you for your response. I apologize it's taken awhile to respond but at least now I have some more info.

I have two of these FF7 models both bought last year. One of them is the FF7 stacked unit and the other is the stainless steel side by side units. On BOTH of my machines you can push the door in about 1/4 inch when shut and at the top it's normal. So, I believe that's a normal part of the construction and function of these units as strange as it may seem. However, my stacked unit that I used for 14 months before I put it into my storage unit in March never leaked whatsoever. The stainless steel one that I put into use last month had that small drip leak during use at the 6 o'clock position from the start went into use.

I can get it not to leak per load of clothes by taking a wet rag and wiping the whole thing down wether the boot is linty or not. As I do so, I'm also pulling back on the door boot all around in a move to 'shape' it back into proper position. That process will stop any leaking for the duration of one load.

I did call a Speed Queen authorized repair company and they went ahead and ordered me a new door boot. Speed Queen did authorize the boot fix under warranty and it will be sent out as soon as it's in stock. They estimate towards the end of this month.

Visually to me the current door boot looks and feels exactly the same as my other one which doesn't leak at all. However, as I mentioned in my previous post with this SS FF7 unit that I put into use last month it was built 14 months ago, I bought it right at the end of the year last year. I didn't need it till now so it's been in it's original packaging with the door shut the whole time. I'm guessing the door boot just got out of shape a little bit at the 6 o'clock position which is causing it to leak.

Post# 1159670 , Reply# 12   9/16/2022 at 20:13 (878 days old) by kenc (SF Bay Area)        

Big Pete: No other leaks since that one time. Very strange, I did go around the glass with CLR and a plastic scraper to ensure there was no calcium buildup causing a problem. There was a calcium buildup on the gasket which I eliminated with CLR and a careful fingernail.
So far so good!

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