Thread Number: 90341  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Newer Kenmores any good?
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Post# 1149053   5/19/2022 at 11:27 (799 days old) by PatD (PA)        

There's a used Kenmore washer and dryer near me for sale. Looks like a 2017 manufacturing date by serial. Washer is 110.22242511.

I have a 20+ year old Kenmore, series 80 or 90, direct drive, that just won't quit. Except it's starting to rot from the inside out. Drum is starting to go; start taking it apart, but I believe it's not going to be worth redoing, nor can I get parts. Which makes me sad!

But anyway, how are the newer Kenmores? This one looks basic, which is what I like. 1/3HP motor. . . Other than a SQ or high-end Maytag, is there nothing else that's decent?

Post# 1149056 , Reply# 1   5/19/2022 at 12:45 (799 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
110.22242511 is an HE/impeller machine and what's known as a VMW (Vertical Modular Washer), which is the design introduced in 2010 that replaced direct-drive.  They're not as robust as DDs, don't expect 20 years from one.  Spin bearings (integral to the transmission) typically fail around 5 to 7 years, sometimes sooner or later.  The tub suspension springs/rods are also a common failure, causes severe off-balance with the tub bouncing and swaying excessively.  I replaced the suspension on an acquaintance's 9-year-old machine a few weeks ago, it doesn't get heavy usage and the bearings are still quiet.

Post# 1149124 , Reply# 2   5/20/2022 at 07:18 (798 days old) by PatD (PA)        

Are there any good designs these days that anyone would recommend?

Post# 1149274 , Reply# 3   5/22/2022 at 06:57 (796 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Speed Queen TC5

If you are buying new and looking at top load, a Speed Queen TC5003 (get the model with the white/silver panel and NOT the TR series with the white/black panel) is the closest you'll get the older tried and true models. This model still has a transmission. There are no models anymore new that I know of that have the old mechanical timer behind the knobs, but at least the electronics are supposed to be a better build quality on the Speed Queen.

It only has two water levels-full and half. However, you will get tap hot when hot is selected. Also, the half fill option is available for all cycles.

Normal Eco without any other options selected is the energy saving cycle with the cooled down water temps and spray rinse. However, if you select Normal Eco with "heavy", it becomes somewhat of a super cycle. I get hot when hot is selected as well as a longer wash time. It still has a spray rinse though. There is a way to get just a full rinse and spin separate if needed. If you have heavily soiled clothes or just want a longer wash time, this is worth noting. However, the main cycles work just fine although I use the heavy option for a little more wash time.

The other one to look at only if the Speed Queen is out of your price range or not available (it's worth the wait if you can keep the other one going) is the Maytag mwwp575gw--get this model w/ 5 yr. parts/labor warranty and is sold at your locally owned appliance retailer. If you get the mvwp576kw, you only get 1 yr/parts and labor warranty and usually costs more because it is sold at big box stores (go figure???). It has tap hot when hot is chosen for all deep water cycles.

Also full and half loads. However, Normal Eco is ONLY half load option and only suitable for Normal clothes only because wash time is just 7 minutes, which is not long enough for heavier soiled clothes or whites. Wash action is too rough for delicates). However, when installed per instructions, the Normal cycle on that washer is warm when hot is chosen and cool when warm is chosen. Spray rinse works well. It's easy to run a separate rinse and spin or spin only cycle on this washer. It is a vmw build. No real transmission--has a gear box instead. I've not had any issues with mine that I've had for four years now. I am also very careful to use it correctly in every way! I also believe I could replace this myself if needed whereas I'm not sure if I can fix this type of stuff on the SQ (but the SQ also has a 15 yr. part ONLY from years 5 through 15 on the transmission so at least I'm only out labor).

I've not had any issues with balancing when I wash mixed loads or loads of like items. However, if you want to wash something like a pet bed, be sure to balance it with something like a towel. The SQ TC5 does have a better suspension that can compensate better for stuff like this, but I'd still try to balance the loads and take stuff that doesn't need to be washed in the TL to the laundry mat. You'll save wear/tear on them.

If you look at front loads, many like the LG. My set before these two toploads I have now (SQ TC5 and Maytag mvwp575gw) was an LG front load. Mine lasted nine years doing wash for a family before the bearings went out. Only other real issue was the rotor came loose and the inside stripped. It was easy to replace, but cost about $80 or so (purchased from a place I could return if this wasn't it, so part was higher). I'm still using the dryer from that set although the control panel is starting to have some issues.

I am an x-tra small female with no background in appliance repair or sales and just find top loads easier to repair as well as having enough water for the type of loads I do. The frontloads worked well, but there wasn't a real way for bulky stuff like comforters to work through the water and get clean. I do miss the heated water option you can get with front loads as I keep my water heater on the recommended 120.

Anyway, hope that helps.

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