Thread Number: 90394  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Speed Queen AWNE82SP113TW01 agitator replacement
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Post# 1149524   5/25/2022 at 15:23 (793 days old) by aubrey (MT)        

My AWNE82SP113TW01 Speed Queen needs a new agitator. The bottom part that has 4 "fins", one of them broke off. I have the part number to get a new paddle/flex vane agitator (36507). It's widely available at great prices as well so no problems there. I was just wondering if there happen to be any other agitators on the market that happen to fit this particular speed queen??

My reason for asking is because while the agitator does a great job at washing and turns clothes over well on medium water level or below, it doesn't do its best on a large load/large water level. I didn't know if there were other spiral or paddle agitators better out there that did the job better than the original. I'm mostly just curious as I really like my SQ and if there were no other agitator options, I wouldn't be upset either. I have seen some of you on here using different agitators for many different machines, along with the speed queen. I'm aware it can be tricky for certain applications to do so. That's why I came to you all. Thanks!

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