Thread Number: 90556  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
What washer is that?
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Post# 1150899   6/12/2022 at 05:31 (951 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Google recommended me an article about how to clean a detergent drawer and the first drawer shown was this.

I would dare to say it's an EU machine due the size of the drawer and the half load button.

But the bleach compartment throws me for a loop.
Something in my head screams Indesit for some reason, but that's just because they used to offer a bleaching function with a special insert you could use to turn the rinse cycle into a bleach treatment cycle.
So maybe they had that integrated at some point?

Have to say though:
Those grids are probably a pain to clean.
Only way to get them properly cleaned would be a brush of some sort and I can see that grate getting covered in sticky softner residue really quickly.

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Post# 1151470 , Reply# 1   6/17/2022 at 14:07 (946 days old) by eriksp (Norway)        

That's a good question! Since you - a veritable encyclopedia of knowledge - don't recognize it, I'm not surprised I don't either. My guess would be that it's a store brand of some sort - come to think of it, the closest I think I've seen in real life belonged to an old Matsui my grandmother owned at one time. It had the strange "net" with the logo for softener to pour through. I think some Indesit machines used to have a similar design, too.

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