Thread Number: 90586  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Speed Queen agitator preference
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Post# 1151109   6/14/2022 at 17:33 (773 days old) by aubrey (MT)        

I was browsing an old thread from 2010 (Thread Number: 30970) about using the solid vane agitator (part #33174) for the speed queen as opposed to using the flex vane agitator (part #36507). I'm curious, which have you preferred to use?! I know the solid vane is shorter but my flex vane agitator fin broke recently and now I can't decide whether to purchase another flex vane or try out the solid vane. I would buy both just for the fun of it to see which I liked better, but unfortunately that's not in the budget right now. And surely after 12 years, I'm sure those who tried it out must have an idea of which they like better by now right? :)

Post# 1151129 , Reply# 1   6/14/2022 at 20:31 (773 days old) by lotsosudz (Sacramento, CA)        

lotsosudz's profile picture
But I would go with the wavy fin style {Surgilator} look alike. Better rollover,
and easier on the clothes!!!
Thats my opinion for whatever its worth.

Post# 1151149 , Reply# 2   6/14/2022 at 22:12 (773 days old) by aubrey (MT)        

Thanks David, yes I am a fan of the wavy style too! I'll share a photo of the comparisons I was talking about. One is shorter (disregard the additional height from the fabric dispenser cap on the taller one) but doesn't have the flex vanes, they're attached to the base. Someone on here has compared the two in real life and I wonder which was better. This is also their photo I'm sharing as well. I believe their username is DanManTN. It was the only side by side picture I could find on the web!

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Post# 1151381 , Reply# 3   6/16/2022 at 17:52 (771 days old) by WindRivers (Wind River Range, WY)        

I was hoping you'd get some experienced answers.

I assume the flex vane must somehow add to the wash action; churns the water a little bit more towards the bottom when the agitator changes direction and swings back giving a little more pull.

I also suspect that the difference may not be all that noticeable in practice, but again, I have no experience.

If the fin on mine broke I'd probably lean towards getting the solid vane one to avoid that happening again. But then, if one is significantly cheaper I'd probably get it.

I doubt the height difference will make that much difference. I assume your old agitator sticks a little above the water level on it highest fill. Even if the solid vane one barely came up to the water level I'm not sure what difference it would make. I guess it would bother me if it was so short I couldn't even see it while it was washing, but that would just be me and not necessarily a reflection on how well its washing.

I'm curious as to what you've decided.

Post# 1173434 , Reply# 4   3/1/2023 at 16:18 (513 days old) by aubrey (MT)        

I never ended up deciding! I have it in storage unfortunately until I get a new agitator. I have been using my old Kenmore for the time being, that does a good job too.

I am hoping to revive this post in hopes that those who have tried the solid vane agitator can give me insight on which they liked best.

Post# 1173596 , Reply# 5   3/3/2023 at 17:29 (511 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

maytaga806's profile picture
I love the shorter speed Queen flexvane agitators for the standard capacity models. They are an icon from all the later Raytheon models from the 90s. Those older 90 models sounded soooo good. There truly isn’t any washing performance difference between the two, I’ve used both variety’s and they both kick the water intensely. But since you have a model that takes the longer flexvane, the older shorter one will be much lower and infact water may reach over the top of the agitator and fully submerge it during full loads if it fills to the top line of holes, not that it would really matter at all.

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